About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, July 8, 2017


One Of My Very Own...

Have You Ever Seen The Rain ~ CCR (Creedence Clearwater Revival)

We can't go all day without wishing this guy a happy birthday.

Hamburg this morning. Right in the middle of this shit...

There's this shit...

(those may take a minute to load)

Got this in comments:

"You have me on your blog, the Canadian maple leaf was made in my City of Winnipeg. I was part of the massive red! Woo." 

It's so hot I saw a thief putting the copper back in the AC unit.


A man attacks a woman for wearing shorts in Istanbul public transportation.
Maybe its me but when these cases occur many times the abuser says it is the woman's fault for dressing provocatively. So is it my understanding that the logic is men should not have to control their impulses and thus women and everyone else are at fault if they feel tingly inside and can't handle it?


If I'm not mistaken, he was more or less responsible for ending Joe McCarthy's reign of terror...communist witch hunt. Here's his short broadcast doing it.


I hope that's true.

I have additional questions.


Damn, Rhode Island, what the fuck is wrong with you people?


I'm game.

I really don't know what her dogs name is.
I just call him "Lucky".

I dated a girl once who after sucking my dick would crush it against her forehead like a beer can.


Why wouldn't she just close the window?



Notice anything unsettling about this picture?
Yeah, the guy is begging to set the field on fire, but it must have been noticed by others.
Everybody has an opinion.

I see somebody took a few marketing classes in college.

Actually, in my neck of the woods the districts were federally altered to insure black representation. Unfortunately it bit them in the ass by insuring the majority of the white representatives don't have to give a shit about black people's concerns because none of them voted for them.

Trigger warning

Lying about my age is easier now that I have trouble remembering what it is.


But on the upside, the people have plenty of money to buy gas masks.


Herd immunity is the idea that if enough people get immunized against a disease, they'll create protection for even those who aren't vaccinated. This is important to protect those who can't get vaccinated, like immunocompromised children.

You can see in the image, low levels of vaccination lead to everyone getting infected. Medium levels slow down the progression of the illness, but they don't offer robust protection to the unvaccinated. But once you read a high enough level of vaccination, the disease gets effectively road-blocked. It can't spread fast enough because it encounters too many vaccinated individuals, and so the majority of the population (even the unvaccinated people) are protected.


For those who do not know what quantum entanglement is, simply stated, quantum entanglement is a peculiar phenomenon of our complex cosmos whenever two (or more) particles basically conjoin and instantaneously affect each other, regardless of their distance.

Ever since being laughed off by Einstein as   "spooky action at a distance ,” quantum entanglement has come a far way.

I find this mesmerizing.
That used to take a team of machinists hours.

Guy put one of those trackers on his cat.

Watched a movie from Argentina where by a drone followed a car at street level, then moved up to show this...
All in one continuous shot.

The weight is like parking a car on your balcony.
I hope the kids survived.

I looked that up and it's true, but it's not one creature but a collection of smaller organisms working together.

Bill Conner cycled 1,400 miles from  Wisconsin, to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to meet the 21  year old man who received his daughter's donated heart and hear it beat once more on father's day.

And that's why this is important...

Never compliment a woman's mustache.


I dreamed the first section title in the post "MAYHEM, DISQUIET AND DEBAUCHERY", then used it the same morning.

I have finally ended my quest to find the world's greatest hot dog.
Sonic's Drive-In. Two bucks a pop. But Jesus NEVER should have put catsup on a hot dog.

Ever heard the commercial with the tag line "The gift that keeps on giving"? Well, we all racked our brains to remember the produce being advertised. Care to guess?

If you know exactly what this is, then you had a reasonably good childhood.

This is exactly what I now look like naked.
Sad really.

You new viewers may not know I was a professional muralists since 1975.
(this is not one of mine)
I stopped counting at 400 and that was years before I retired.

When I was an elementary art teacher, I used to call small children up to my desk and ask them if life was good or bad.
Almost all of them said it was good. The others said they didn't know. None said it was bad.

Back when I could actually stand up for rather long periods I used to be a mean grill cook.
The bright red is from smoke, most probably hickory.

I love looking for the way things are made.
Topiary, in my opinion, is the trimming of shrubbery into various shapes. In Walt Disney World they cheat. The form the sculpture in mesh wire, the force the plants to grow on the mesh.

My research suggested that "The gift that keeps on giving" was used so often over a long period of time, it could not be attributed to one company.

Don't punch first, but always punch hardest.


I came across many of these and consider these the two cleverest.

A good trivia question is to ask which country fought for both sides in WWII.

Thank you, Explain Things Guy.


I ride horses like I was born on one - confused, naked and crying.


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