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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, July 15, 2017


One Of My Very Own...

RIP John Lee Hooker

For the last week or so around here it's been what we call "Muggy." That high heat, high humidity and no a breath of a breeze. To help me tolerate such oppressive conditions I lean an old snow shovel next to my door and now at it every time I pass it.

Notice stripes.

[verification received]

The 500-pound Legacy Stone, covertly placed in Central Park around 4 a.m. on Easter Sunday (March 27), came into the public eye via an early-morning jogger’s Instagram post. The stone read "Made America Hate Again" and bore the name “Trump, Donald J.” in sharp letters. Though it was removed in fewer than three hours, the work received viral media attention, followed by an extensive criminal investigation. While images of the worked rapidly circulated on social media and as police searched for the “perpetrator,” the artist remained at large for nearly two months, taunting investigators with anonymous television, print, and online interviews. With Trump’s birth year but an open-ended death date, Whiteley anonymously affirmed the work to the New York Times as not as a death threat but rather a message to Trump that at that point (April), there was still time for the candidate to alter his legacy.

There's a lot of that going around lately.



If I could make water into wine, I'd probably stumble out of a cave 3 days later also.





Imagine in our present society having a baby that didn't photograph well.


A German start-up has prototyped a bread oven that operated in microgravity that may someday enable astronauts to enjoy fresh-baked goods in space.

Over 200,000 people in Hong Kong live in these units that are so small, a person can't even stretch out their legs.


That man played the silliest role in the movie "Okja."
I did enjoy the movie, however.


Large companies such as John Deere, and Apple are trying to stop a bill from being passed that would require manufacturers to provide diagnostic tools for people to fix their own phones, tractors, and other items. Where we were once a DIY nation that would repair our own goods, tech driven goods (iPhones, modern harvester tractors) have made this very difficult by not releasing the information and means to do so. Why? Because they make money off of you paying for repairs, or -even better- buying a new product to replace a broken one. This is a non-partisan issue. Farmers from the Midwest to gamers on the coasts should be allowed to try to fix their own goods. So far about 12 states have proposed this bill. Let's make it 50 states that pass it. Reach out to a local rep and let them know!  For more read: 



I had no idea this was even possible...

 I hate when you go to parties, and all anyone wants to do is talk about is my alcoholism.


It doesn't have to melt, it just has to bend.

This is somebody's dead grandmother.
The fun one...who let you sleep naked....until you were 35 years old.


I hope this catches on...
Of course, you could solve the problem just by having the doors wing loose.

I actually think old people would like this, like when I was recovering from my unfortunate incident.

That's what happens when you mix religion with governance.

That just doesn't look legit to me.

Fucks given = 0

Fiat Spider
I owned one of those. Loved it. Traded it for an Alfa Romeo Spider.
I think everyone should own a convertible at least once.

"I maintain an elaborate system of thousands of solar panels, but once a year I throw them away because screw it I'll make more." 



How many people must die over a few fake internet points?

Made me exhale through my nose slightly harder than normal.

Damn, how hard it is to spell Ralph?
"Can anyone confirm if this was real? I'm assuming a troll did this."
- Don't be that guy. Nobody gives a shit.

My wife's cooking has proved that no recipe is “foolproof” but merely “fool resistant.”


"The fact that Christianity started as a Jewish apocalyptic movement is evidenced by the teachings of the Biblical Jesus concerning the end of days. Not only did he preach he would rise from the grave, but that he would also ascend to the Heaven and one day return to judge and rule over the world. When did Jesus say his return would be? While he said no one, including himself, knew the exact time of his return, he knew it would be before the end of his generation."

"Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom." 

(Matthew 16: 27, 28)

Bullshit. Pure fucking bullshit.

And I just bet there is some old woman rocking in her chair thinking "There could be a 2,000 year old man still alive in some cave. Nobody knows."
In such logic dwell religion.

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