About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, July 23, 2017


One Of My Very Own...

Diamond the size of a tennis ball is too big to sell. 

1,109-carat stone, named 'Lesedi La Rona', or 'Our Light' in the national language of Botswana where it was mined.

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

"Me sucky sucky long time."



Wait for it...

Neymar I will miss you.
Magnificent performance last night.

This is yet another day off; meaning there is just one section and not much description.

I don't really trust shoes that move. Skating...on rink or ice...I think not.


That is one photogenic young woman.

If find it very interesting that us humans are so empathetic that we actually struggle along with this guy in his quest.

This is how it works...

This is how NOT to use it...

For the love of god...
Don't be that guy.

Get it? She's a queen on a chessboard.

Yeah, so he catches it and throws it back.


They Call Me Jeeg

Guy gets very unusual super powers. Funny as shit...if you can tolerate subtitles.
A guy who falls in some radioactive slug and, of course, develops super strength. The first thing he does is steal an ATM right out of the wall.

And the first thing he buys with his ill gotten gains is porn...

And some baby oil.

MOVIE 2: Here Alone

One of my viewers is in this movie. It's a zombie movie, but not the usual twist.

This motherfucker...

Posted this a while back.

Apparently the asshole is facing three years in a German prison. Thought you guys should know.

The old "Heel Up The Butt" move...



What a wonderful idea.

Because it's there.

We had tanks like this in the missile maintenance shop. We had a special hand truck to move them, but we always did it like that.
The problem is, if he drops a tank in such a way as to knock the top off, he tank will fire just like a missile, go through the wall and fuck up some nukes. Highly frowned upon.

Oh, hell no.

Learning every minute of every day.

Mile High Club
That final smirk of supreme accomplishment.



He killed it with his bare hands...
What's left of them.

Know who the kid is?
That be Elvis.


Those were his glasses.




A Dutch school bus.

Missed it by that much.

I own a shotgun very much like this one.
I can attest that it is a beast to control.

I had to put a pistol grip on the pump grip so it wouldn't be jerked out of my hand.
Then I found this much cheaper option.
I find the scope on that one ridiculous. Nobody in their right mind would put their face that close to that thing. Or maybe it's a laser, which makes sense.

Anybody know what this is about?
Colors of their flag?

Woman attacks cleanup volunteer...

I never get any credit for NOT being a rapist. I feel like that's my best quality.


A result of Americans realizing they haven't bombed the shit out of the sky yet.

I think this is yet another of the double-sided mirrors illusion.

What do you suppose these are made out of?

This reminds me of the golden trout on Lake Murray.
 As a fund raiser they tagged a mature bass with a gold tag, and hundreds of people paid to fish for it. The prize was $1M and all they did was to get Lloyd's of London to insure the payoff. There was only one, so I assume it didn't make all that much money.

You can get light for up to 20 minutes with each reset and costs nothing to run.  Brilliant concept.

Nothing says I'm proud like the hand on his hip.


Five Transportation Concepts for the Future

When North Korea falls, the world is going to be flooded with 10s of millions of badly brain-washed people. How are we going to deal with that? What I think I'm asking is: Are we planning on how to deal with them? And how do to bring millions of people back into reality?

1 comment:

Jambe said...

Yes, it's the colors of their flag (Venezuela). Anniversary celebration.

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