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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


One Of My Very Own...

Got a reminder comment to Folio Olio about this gem. You might want to look it over again:



A six person science team from Burundi up and walked away from the hotel and were last seen crossing over into Canada. When contacted the parents said, "Don't worry about them," suggesting this had been long planned.

I mean, if it can't stand a little pollution, was it really THAT Great of a Barrier Reef?


Child labor...businesses didn't just get more socially conscious, they had to be legally barred.

Things like that are the downside to free market economies.
But I lay some of the blame on citizens who knew about those tiny workers and STILL bought the goods. A strong boycott will go a long way.

Back when an ordinary guy could become president one day and the next day have to decide wether to detonate the most dangerous weapon ever created by mankind.

This is one sneaky sumbitch.
But I bet that only works once.

They aren't lit.
And not to run this in the ground, but you can clearly see the gasoline would run out of the bottle...which would be a bad thing.

The Mongrel Mob is an organized street gang based in New Zealand that has a network of more than thirty chapters throughout the country.
So much for hiding your affiliation.

King George V of the United Kingdom visits Wytschaete Ridge in Belgium, July 1917
It's called a photo-opt and I despise him for it.

I love the guy to death, but I'm not sure that's how you use a razor.

Pot has never been proven harmful to humans, but the way it makes those giant holes in the road has to make you wary.


Sulfur Fire

So, that guy falling down started a mini tornado?

Thousands in Santa Cruz paddle out to remember Jack O'neill creator of the wet suit and all around rad dude.


Tiger Woods says he will not compete with Donald Trump for most rounds of golf played in 2017: "I've got other stuff I need to do."


What are the chances...

Islamic extremists have launched a poster campaign across the UK proclaiming areas where music, alcohol, gambling, drugs, porn and prostitution are banned.
Is that true? I doubt it.

ISS and solar eclipse.

I've tried...oh, have I tried.
It seems that all Indian movies, even murder mysteries, has a half dozen scenes like this and that's why they all last 2 1/2 hours.

This is how you feed the world.

God I love bread.

At my age my body makes enough noises just getting out of a chair to communicate with a pod of dolphin.


I like this...

I know I've posted this several times, but I still haven't figured out how they did it.
Don't get me wrong, I like it very, very much, but were they all sacked and walled off then the concrete was poured? If so, what kept the concrete out of the voids that reveal the cars?

I know you are loyal to your art form, but artists MUST evolve.


For a number of reasons I've filled closed up windows with art. I like the limitations.

Most humans will see a landscape in this.
It's just the way our minds work.

Invisible Guest (Contratiempo)
A most unusual movie. If you can stand subtitles you are in for a ride.

Henri Matisse working on “The Dance.”

My daughter once asked me what it's like to be an adult. I told her "I don't know." She seemed slightly frightened, so now she knows.


A guy told me about an old guy on a painting crew who was sitting with the younger guys when someone farted. The old guy sniffed and said, "Y'all hear that? That shit's been tampered with."
I thought that very funny.





An email responding to an order request from the sex shop: Sorry, but you will have to make another selection, because the "red dildo next to the door" is the fire extinguisher.

You can read that very clearly if you look at it while you scroll.

I have understood this even when in the hospital waiting room with a child with a broken arm.



Every small business in America is owned by a big fat guy named Doug who gets divorced every 3 months.


I'm just going to let these speaking for themselves.


Anonymous said...

Most effective and safe moliotov cocktail uses a corked/capped bottle with rag tied around it. Ignites on impact. Once fire is present you just lob full bottles of gas at target.

Ralph Henry said...

Yes. Yes, I know. I been preaching it for decades.

Jambe said...

The work you're asking about, Long Term Parking, was indeed made by stacking the cars (with welded steel armatures to align them) and pouring concrete into molds assembled around the stack (there were several different pours making up the layers).

Nothing kept the concrete from filling the voids; release agent (wax) was heavily applied to the outward faces of the vehicles and the voids were manually chipped away (or fell away with the wooden molds where the concrete was very thin).

Here's an image of its production showing partially-covered cars and chipout around the base: http://i.imgur.com/PJfIvP3.jpg

Another assemblage artist I like is Remy Tassou, who calls his works "Cybertrash". He has a gallery of high-resolution images on his DeviantART webpage: http://tassou.deviantart.com/gallery/

Ralph Henry said...

Thank you, my friend. Now I have just one more thing not to think about.

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