About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017


One Of My Very Own...

Let me try and make up for that first one...

Burundi is second only behind the US in hits to Folio Olio. Hundreds of people a day view my blog and I didn't even know where it is.
Welcome each and every one of you, unless you are spies, then fuck you.

Oh, look, somebody loves my grandson as much as I do.


Have you ever seen how many officials in the Clinton circle who ended up dead? I'm not accusing anyone of anything, but you may want to look into it.


 The glove snap before the prostate exam isn't necessary. They just do that to mess with our head.


Notice how the artist manage to express real emotion with a mere turn of the head and subtle postures.

An inlaid floor getting a sealant and/or stain.
Is it art? Yes. Yes it is. I have a friend who makes those...or made.

Painting transforms a surface.
Sculpture transforms a space.
I like that piece very much.

Untitled - by Ben Welsh, Spanish

I did not know this.
Or, probably more likely, I knew it and forgot.

If I ever want to commit suicide, I'd just drive around picking up hitchhikers until I find one that's feeling murdery.


This deer was found walking around on its bare bones with no hooves. 

A hunter put him out of his misery.
How the hell did the hunter know it was in misery? Seriously, the bone as no pain receptors...do it?

Could this be true?
If so, where...a zoo?

I'm posting this again just to remind you that these critters will fuck you up.
They don't just attack when cornered. They attack just for the hell of it and they will chase you down and fuck your shit up.

This dog follows his master everywhere and carries all his tools.
That concept should be used more often.
Like ammo dogs on the battlefield.

Think climate change and right wingers.

Oh, I know how you feel about that.
Seriously, from all I've heard it's too late now to stop it.

I want a magic pole like that!
"Proto hominids demonstrating evolution to simple tool use, 200000 BC, colorized."
(I did not write that)

Me: Go to sleep before the monsters get you.
7: Monsters aren't real.
M: You sound like your brother.
7: Brother?
M: I've said too much already.


Is it just the angle or did she totally hit her head on the way down?

Not today Mr. Death, not today...
How many minutes passed before that man had a beer in his hand? 2?

I wonder if he can even spell Stupid Bastard?

This is almost as creepy as...

I know you've seen it, but something like The Mona Lisa, Starry Night and that should be seen more than once.

Oh, fucking hell no.

Yes, boys and girls, there are people who do this for a living.

Atlanta I-75 got shut down following a mishap involving a tractor-trailer that has spilled RAW chicken across the highway.
I'm assuming it was destined for a pet food factory or some such place since it was in an open truck.

Even after seeing all of the Jurassic Park movies I still feel like a dinosaur theme park sounds like a really good idea.



One of the funniest things I have ever read.






 "Not Waldo, Not Waldo, Not Waldo, Not Waldo, Not Waldo, Not Waldo, Not Waldo, Not Waldo, Waldo, Not Waldo..." 
- Where's Waldo Audiobook
(I found that extremely funny)


In 1786, the USA quickly negotiated the Moroccan-American Treaty of Friendship which open up ports and trade between the two countries. The treaty was ratified by Congress in July 1787. This treaty is longest not broken treaty for the USA.  Now you know.

Ever been to the M&M headquarters?
Me neither.

Looks kind of weird, but if it works, it works.

At the end of the 7th century many Byzantine cities in Syria were abandoned after a period of devastation caused by earthquakes and plague, these cities are known as the dead cities and are dotted all around Aleppo

The Roman Theater located in Basra in southern Syria.

And I admire him for it.

Pilot is one of the few jobs where you can get fired for going above and beyond.



RULE 39 - Illustrated


Jesus died for our sins. But he was only dead for 3 days. So what did he sacrifice? His weekend. Jesus gave up his weekend for our sins.


What Americans think about.

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