About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017


One Of My Very Own...


Sincere thanks to all you guys who sent me your eclipse memories.

The eclipse totality path as seen by traffic blockage.

But auto traffic weren't the only mode to be jammed...
That waiting line was much, much longer than that, but the gif wouldn't load.
It was like every airplane at the airport wanted to take off at once.
Question: The sun was directly overhead. How do you deal with that in an airplane...roll it on its side?

Not sure why these are different unless it's filters.

I never anticipated all the street lights coming on.

A true memento.

My daughter made this...

Then on the way home she saw this double rainbow. A magical day indeed.

If I'm not mistaken, this is called The Diamond Ring...

Some people prepared more than others...

From space...

What an awesome place to be, eclipse or no eclipse.

So let's joke about it, because that's what I do best.



I eat whatever I want and tell myself it's healthy, then count on the placebo effect to do the rest.


Let's revisit the Falkirk Wheel, Scotland.
It is so well balanced that it only takes a tiny motor to turn it. I think the trick is to keep the water in the empty section.

Written language. What a wonderful innovation.
An early colonist in America explained written language to the natives by asking the chief to tell him something that no one but him knew. After the story, the man asked the chief to take the piece of paper down to the river where another European waited. After that European read the note, and lo and behold, knew the chief's secret. The chief called the notes "Talking leaves."

Kyoto without utility poles.
That is exceptionally difficult to do...and expensive.

Abandoned drive-in theater with trees growing in the depressed rows.
Filling a void. Teenagers needed a safe place to fuck, so you charge them for the privilege. 

May the power of Christ to compel everyone.
I, of course, find the whole concept of holy water pee in my pants hilarious. 

This man invented a semi-automatic bow and arrow.
It holds four arrows and will fire them as quick as you can pull back the string.

Redwood engineering
We call this lumbering down the road.

In movies how come nobody steps in dog shit?


I think that is a wonderful concept.

I'm going to call this art because its my blog and I can do whatever I want.
$1,000,000 in $10s

$1,000,000 in hundreds on the entry wall at a casino. 
I saw something very similar to that out west.

$1,000,000 in pennies

I want to show you this again because it's a stellar idea...if it wasn't a fucking cat.

Fuck health people telling me to focus on my breathing. Not having to think about breathing is the best part about breathing.


I came across this image and it reminded me of my all-time favorite garment; the denim prison jacket.

The still sell them, but they are too pricey for me now.
I used to direct large numbers of students in the painting of murals in their schools. One time a girl forgot and wore brand new clothes and was afraid she would get paint on them. So I loaned her my jacket. Within minutes a group of male students took turns painting their names all over MY jacket. I was furious, but there really wasn't much I could do about it...except throw it away.

Most people call this "Egg in a bird's nest."
For whatever reason all of my extended family calls it "Bird in the nest" egg.
Go figure.

Problem solved.

Pure bullshit. And even after Korea we fell for the same thing in Vietnam with the same bullshit.

This is true, you know.


I read years ago that the journey was more important than reaching your destination.
I firmly believe it to this day. I love driving over landscape I've never experienced. Many times I just stop and study strange environments.

A woman doesn't have to be her most beautiful to be her most desirable.
Reminds me of the wife and I just deciding to cook and eat naked...for no discernible reason.

That people actually believe this shit...
We know it's bullshit, yet just about every newspaper in America has a horoscope.
I go a little full retard when someone asks me what sign I am.

One of the smartest people on the planet.

What is this? Go ahead and take your time and give it your best shot.
Hi-light between the brackets: 
[ It's the sun seen through a filter. ]


I've mentioned this before.

That is like literally killing the golden goose. Why would they kill people who have the wherewithal to acquire great wealth? Why not let them live, acquire more wealth, then come back and do the same thing again.

As far as I'm concerned, the scariest thing to come out of the Muslim world is algebra.


A Bashkir Curly horse for the 99% of people who have not seen one yet - you're welcome.
I thought that unique enough to post, then a ran across these other oddities.


Cutting rope from Whale Shark
That must give a person a great sense of accomplishment.

Fox ? Wolf ? Nope. The Maned Wolf Is A Species Of It's Own.

The Maned Wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) is the largest canid of South America. Its markings resemble those of foxes, but it is not a fox, nor is it a wolf, as it is not closely related to other canids. It is the only species in the genus Chrysocyon (meaning "golden dog"). 

"Untoward" is an interesting word. I guess meaning not approaching, but then it takes a dark turn.




Was it pastorized?


Anonymous said...

One of your own I like a lot today

Anonymous said...

Falkirk Wheel..balance
Note the counter weights like an engine crank shaft.
I don't see the fly wheel.

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