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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, September 21, 2017


One Of My Very Own

Frank Zappa: Watermelon in Easter Hay


For the first time a few of my gif downloads look like this when on my desktop.

Then, of course they don't load.
Anybody know how I can easily overcome this problem?

Amazing images out of Mexico City.
Of course, when building break so do the gas lines.

One of the very lucky ones...

Not all the sway is in the camera...

Above animation shows disaster relief mapping immediately after the Haiti Earthquake in 2010. More than 1.5 million edits were made and the map was extensively used by disaster relief effort on the ground. It was the most up to date and reliable source of information during the entire crisis. 

When a disaster strikes buildings collapse, roads get blocked, power and communication goes down. Mapping the damage that occurred becomes an urgent and vital task, especially in the first 24 hours, the most critical for saving lives.
Disaster Relief Mapping helps answer questions like 'Where did the most damage occur?' 'Where to send the rescue teams?' 'Are there open roads for them to get there?' 'How many people need humanitarian aid?' 'Where exactly are those people?' 'How many of them haven't been contacted by aid workers yet?' 
The  same disaster happened today in Mexico City and you can help with the mapping effort. There is no prior experience needed. The only thing you need is your computer and your time.
How it works: The disaster area is split into small chunks. Green ones are complete and yellow ones are incomplete. You pick a yellow one and mark features per the instructions. Repeat as much as you like. That's it.


Floridians with solar panels required to shut them down when the power goes out "in order to prevent dangerous back feed on FPL's grid. This is required to protect FPL employees who may be working on the grid." But the same rules mandate that these homes "include a switch that cleanly disconnects their panels from FPL's system while keeping the rest of a home's power lines connected," but Floridians are prohibited from flipping this switch and turning their power on (FPL is allowed to disconnect and padlock the switch at its discretion).

The co-op had a policy that children over five couldn't share a room if they were of different genders. Since the couple had a son, and since the apartment only had two bedrooms, the family would be out of compliance once their son turned five and became ineligible to share a room with his as-yet-unborn sister.

All you can set is the smoke left by the rockets leaving the launcher, but a split second later all hell broke loose right around the cameraman.
This is what it looked like from the cockpit.


Further,  suicide rates have now surpassed homicide rates. Twenge believes smartphones may play a crucial role. Gen Z is the first generation to be raised according to this slow-life strategy as smart phones became prominent. (Its members, after all, are the first to have no concept of life without the internet.) Instead of working or playing outside, teens are more likely to feel isolated and tethered to their devices.


Spiders are the only web developers that enjoy finding bugs.




Instruction for sandwich cutter from China.
You think they looked up the Chinese word for 'end' and got 'die'?


It is very difficult to mimic a Southern accent. And when it is done wrong (like in some movies) it is horrendous. 

From Burning Man?








My penis told me it was done peeing. Putting it back in my pants determined that was a lie.


Corned beef hash and a side of unborn chicken fetus for dinner. 
Those don't look fertilized, so they are, in fact, eggs. But I think that would be a wonderful way to cook and serve eggs and hash browns or whatever the fuck that is.



There ought to be people who walk around beating the shit out of people like that.


I don't always put the seat down, but when I do, I put the lid down too so she has to do some work on this crucial task.


As I understand it, it is not so much an "object" as it is a "particle", but still.


Lion-tamer Jimmy Bells weds trapeze artist Experanza Esqueda Gonzales 

Torreon, Mexico - July 18, 1967
Those zany Mexicans.

UFO FILM - Unacknowledged

The film posed some interesting questions.

Would proof of UFOs cause a panic among the ordinary people of the world? Well, for the very religious it would certainly be a very bad day, but would they panic? If there was proof that the UFOs have visited us many times, doesn't that prove that they are not hostile?

Dr. Tyson himself said that there was much more evidence of UFOs than there is for Jesus, Mohammad, and all the other gods.

I also read an article that stated that during the Cold War it behooved the USA and the USSR to expand the UFO hysteria so that any new weaponry in the sky would be reported as a UFO.
Now let's go back...I certainly would not panic if a UFO landed on the White House lawn. What would a wide spread panic look like. I mean would people start looting and killing their bosses? I don't think so. Some people might hunker down with family for a day or two, but then I think they would go about their lives as usual.


With Donald Trump reversing Obama's ban on the use of private prisons for federal prisoners and vowing to deport 11 million people; and Attorney General Jeff Sessions instructing prosecutors to seek long prison sentences for minor offenses, the investor community could not be more bullish on the private prison sector.

The companies seemed to be aware of the windfall that Trump's election might bring them. During the election campaign, CoreCivic donated $254,000 to the Republicans and also provided an additional $250,000 for Trump's inaugural celebrations. The GEO Group spent even more, donating $1.1 million to the Republicans.

Note: Fuck those bastards.

[verification needed]

Sniffing glue will not keep families together.


That, my friend, is A LOT of kids, but oh how cute they are.

Hand of a young orangutan.

When I get a notification that someone commented on a really old post.
Just kidding. If anything is incorrect or you have anything you wish to add, please let me know in the comments. I want all information to be as accurate as possible. Thanks. But please give me a hint of which you are commenting.

This newly-eclosed male Monarch was nectaring in our garden yesterday when a presumably naive bird clipped off his wingtips in an attack.  We brought him back in to our screen porch overnight and let him solarize on a screen for the morning hours, but this afternoon he was unable to sustain flight.
(Eclosed? Nectaring? Solarize?)
And who does that?



Got 2 1/2 minutes to be mesmerized?

I will state it again, that if there wasn't a draft during the Vietnam war, nobody would have given a shit. I offer as proof the number of anti-war demonstrations since they did away with the draft.


How do you get a Urinary Tract Infections?

The design of the human body makes it so it isn’t difficult to get a bacterial UTI, because the infection comes from outside, through the urethra.  Bacteria in the genital area near the opening of the urethra  find their way in to the urinary tract, either because wiping after going to the bathroom, sexual activity, or unsanitary conditions.
Does that sound like a well designed organism?

Kids today don't know how easy they have it. When I was young I had to walk 9 feet through shag carpet to change the TV channel.


Interested to know what my friend Mel's advice to this guy would be.




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