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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017


One Of My Very Own

(with words if you are interested)

A couple of interesting comments to FO this week.

No. 1: "Do you think transabled people make transgender ppl less legitimate?"

My reply:

No 2:
"Hello, Ralph. Hope you're well and Your good wife is too. With regards to people worrying about their existence having meaning I'd like to say that I think it's amazing that I exist in this beautiful universe and I'm made from the same stuff it's made of. I don't feel alone at all. this is my home and I feel very warm that I belong here. People need to stop looking for meaning in life because there isn't one! I think it's nothing short of arrogance when people think they deserve some sort of validity of their existence. Arseholes! Lol take care Mr. Henry."

My reply:
I would very much like to meet this person.

My beloved Arecibo looks in ruins.

I stepped on the treadmill at the gym and my Fitbit said, "Whoa, man, you sure about this?"


My favorite photo of all time.
Hubble's Deep Field of Deep Space.
I never knew that there have been many Shuttle missions to repair and upgrade the telescope. But in my opinion, this time lapsed image of a "black, empty" spot in the sky could be the most important photograph ever taken. Every dot is a galaxy and every galaxy has millions of stars and each star holds the potential for planets. And yet some people think we are alone.

Said to be the most reproduced image in human history. So much for the flat earth theory. Oh, yeah, all that was faked due to some million person strong conspiracy.

The International Space Station has let the genie out of the bottle and we can't go back now. Countries from all over the world united in a common quest...to learn as much as we can from a space environment.

But not all photos are so epic in scale.
Some photos just remind one of wonderful times in their lives. Supervising children on a beach is my most favorite thing to do in the whole world.

These next two are rather sappy, but I love babies.
Let me correct myself - I love my babies.




I wonder how many people even remember the Berlin Air Lift.

If I'm not mistaken, that's John Steinbeck.

So how do you get in your boat?

Blind students examine a relief globe.

Did you notice all the sympathetic angles?

Artist studio in what I take to be Paris.


I can find no reason that the joints between stones is so crooked. Earthquakes?

P i e t   M O N D R I A N

Look at these next ones and try to identify the historic event.

These last two are a little subtle.
Loch Ness Monster and lastly the Munich Olympic massacre. 

Some photos just remind us of an event in our lives.
Took a young woman into the dunes and doing it doggie style right below a highway. Nobody could see us because of the huge guard rail, then a bus stopped right above us and all the passengers were staring down at us. I just put my hand on the back head and lowered it so she wouldn't see the gawkers.

 "Come to me flesh of my flesh".
*embarrassing teenagers is easy.


I heard a phrase the other day that I assume is 100% American.
"Looking out of his earhole."
It means the player got hit so hard it twisted his helmet around...not literally, but figuratively.


How wonderful.


You know, we humans don't really need much room to live...if you really think about it.

Listened to a clip on language usage and here are some tidbits.

Found out Judge Roberts didn't like the phrasing, so he changed it.
Unfortunately, the wording is spelled out in the constitution so he had to do the oath again.

Have you ever been so poor... 


I have a theory about how otherwise normal people became monsters in such a short length of time.

I think they felt totally helpless to change anything so they just went along.
Nazi culture answers the question of why we, now, don't do something to stop the insanity that is modern governance, and that answer is that we feel powerless. But our perceived impotence is manufactured by the same people that are fucking everything up.

When someone accuses you of being defensive, you can't deny it without sounding defensive. Just hurl a flower pot. No one expects that.




Based on the sounds coming from my neighbors’ house, they’re either having amazing sex or putting together a dresser from Ikea.





I actually saw this rather famous sign, assuming there's only one.

1 comment:

Jambe said...

Regarding Nazism's causes: they're too numerous to be neatly summarized ofc, but the opposite is also true. Many Nazis didn't merely go along or turn a blind eye, and many of them weren't drawn in by economic hardship. Many simply felt empowered by the rhetoric of Hitler, resented military defeat and humiliation, bought into an imagined superstate of united Germans, or were enamored by what Jonathan Meades called "the lethal cracker barrel philosophy" of Blood and Soil.

That kind of anti-urban nativist tribal sentiment is natural to human character (civilization and tolerance being learned phenomena) so in that sense, the capacity to be a monster is latent in all of us.

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