One Of My Very Own
I don't know what I was thinking when I created that first one, but it surely didn't work. Here's another to atone.
Alabama Shakes - Hang Loose
You will regret your inactions the most.
I'm not exactly sure what the rules are for this game, but I win every damn time.
I've been at Home Depot for two long hot hours gathering supplies a project and the helper asks "How many bulbs do you need for your vanity?"
That's not all that much of an exaggeration.
I like that one bloody severed limb flying through the air.
Pure comedic genius.
"We aren't even close."
- Romans building Rome, end of day 1.
Got any idea how extraordinarily thankful parents are that their children are...normal?
What it is is a Rat Rod.
You could get with shot with that gear shift knob.
Eagle Flies Into Guy's Slings While Paragliding
We have so very many ways to foil these things.
What about a tubular design, where the other ends kind of looks like this end and there is nothing projecting that you can get leverage with.
Resembling this trailer lock but without the huge end projecting out.
"The word “soccer,” which is believed to have originated in Britain some 200 years ago. Gradually, the term “soccer” gained popularity in the U.S. to distinguish the sport from American football. By the 1980s, the Brits began to part with the term, apparently, because it had become too “American.”
RH - That's right, European Football is a British big fuck you to America.
No wonder nobody likes you.
The peanut plant probably originated in Peru or Brazil in South America. No fossil records prove this, but people in South America made pottery in the shape of peanuts or decorated jars with peanuts as far back as 3,500 years ago. European explorers first discovered peanuts in Brazil.
Are racist people like "Ugh, my open minded uncle is going to be at Thanksgiving this year."
92 years old man comes every day to a corner in Kyiv, Ukraine, spreading books for sale on the narrow sidewalk. He is selling his personal library and asks people to give what their can afford to pay.
He was selling books not because he experienced hardship but because he wanted to help the Ukrainian army in the war zone, Eastern Ukraine. To helps soldiers he sells home library. Also, one can buy his own signed books off him.
During WWII he ended in Auschwitz, where on his left arm, his number was tattooed - 131161.
Boiko escaped from the gas chamber when Polish underground Resistance managed to switch off power in the concentration camp, and Cyclone B gas had not yet been able to spread its deadly vapors.
These are some of the soldiers that Bioko is trying to assist.
The Russian Bear is gnawing up huge portions of their country and the world...does...nothing.
First time masturbating: “Whoa, that was great.”
Last time masturbating: “Whoa, that was great.”
Did you know the Cold Cut Combo is stacked with turkey-based meats - ham, salami and bologna.
Question: How are they allowed to call it that without disclaimers like Ham-flavored, or Salami-like, or Bogus bologna?
I don't see a cable or cable slot.
Question: Do you think they have enough power to do that solo?
This is why you always buy extra.
Notice the remains of many other pipe in the background.
Question: How steep is their learning curve?
Gun control in a nutshell.
Question: Do you think these people give a shit about gun laws?
Question: Do these people get paid a great deal of money or do they do it for the kicks?
Well? Don't be shy.
Question: Hold it, hold it.
What the hell is that shit?
This is the way you demonstrate the instinctual snapping of their jaws.
Question: Is he stupid or what?
And going full retard testing snapping reflex...
Master level demonstration...

I think she's done that before.
I have more questions than I have room for.
Question: How, exactly, do you test for something like that?
Some times all you need is a hug or someone to tell you everything will be okay, or some really rough sex or whatever.
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