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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, November 20, 2017

MONDAY #3253

One Of My Very Own

Joe Cocker - With A Little Help From My Friends


We are on the verge of getting fucked and nobody seems to care.



I just found a snapshot of a portrait of my bride.

 Iron Man died in a house fire from leaving himself on.




[ RH - Back in Jesus' time that would have been called a miracle.]

That son of a bitch stole my idea!
Kind of.

Clever Graphics

SOMNAMBULISM was uttered in the TV series "Alias Grace" last night without explanation. I found that odd.

It means Sleepwalking and I didn't recognize it as such.
I strongly recommend this series if only for the costumes and sets...but it's still a fascinating story.

Once a flight attendant said “..and one in the rear” 3 times now and I’m giggled like a school boy.



Europe - if all secessionist movements got what they wanted.

Don't think it silly. It's been going on for a long, long time.

Rabies variants by area.
Fucking skunks!

How many Luxembourg's can fit in each country.



How far away people live from their mothers on average.

Me: I think I'm suffering from auditory hallucinations.
Narrator: There was no narrator.



Don't you just hate it when goalies try to play soccer?

When contests have no age limit...

That can't be good for you. I bet he threw up immediately after the camera was turned off.

It's called the Flying Knee and people pay money to watch one man do it to another man.

Well, that can't be good.

When you are trying to act cool, but you just don't have it in you...

Intrepid TV reporter Gustavo Almadovar, signing off
I laughed out loud.

I've seen it so hot in the South that people sweated audibly.



This is an interesting and funny read:

This guy can curve arrows.
I think it is all in the arrow. What say you?


The Coandă effect.
Never heard of it.

 The most awkward part of being the first person to write something down, was then explaining to everyone that they were now illiterate.



Giant leaf vacuum machine.
I want his job...mostly for cats.


There is a company that produces M1 Garands chambered for .458 Winchester Magnum. Damn!

If I had one of those I would just lift shit all day whether it needed moving or not.

Well, well, well, what do we have here?

 Are you really gonna trust NASA? After they left Matt Damon on Mars? Who does that?



Wet on wet glazing.

Let's take another look at this gem.
Did you notice that more people are coming down the stairs than leave the stairs?

How wonderful.

Maria Laach Abbey is a Benedictine abbey situated on the southwestern shore of the Laacher See (Lake Laach), near Andernach, in the Eifel region of the Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany. It is a member of the Beuronese Congregation within the Benedictine Confederation. The abbey was built in the 11th-12th centuries and was originally known as "Abtei Laach" ("Abbatia Lacensis" or "Laach Abbey", meaning the "Lake Abbey") until 1862 when the Jesuits added the name "Maria".
[ RH - Well of course they did.]

I think Jesus came up with that whole virgin birth story. No one wants to picture their parents doing it.





 Those are candle flames.


A women prepares for her tanning session in NYC, US in 1930.
 I find it quaint that they blacked out the butt crack.
Oh, look, they did it again...
Chinese officials punish a lawbreaker in Shanghai, China in the late 1800s. Whipping a persons rear with a paddle a certain number of times was a common punishment.


When you're checking for murderers in your house, don't just yell out "hello!" that gives them the upper hand. Yell, "YOU AIN'T SHIT!"



How fast must one go?


I bet that's a lot better with sound.



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