About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

SUNDAY #3238

One Of My Very Own

Beg your forgiveness for that last one.

Folsom Prison Blues/Pinball Wizard Shmoosh Up - Johnny Cash - The Who - Puddles Pity Party

One time I hooked up with a real lonely girl. You know no body fucks like a lonely girl . And none of them have a gag reflex.



I don't hate you, dear. Sometimes I think my wife may have a bit of man in her. But not hating you doesn't mean I can't laugh at you.

And just in case you think the bible is cool with playing dress up, here's what it has to say.

That opens up a whole new can of worms, as it were. You want your snowflake to compete against a man who thinks he's a woman? Just wondering.
And would the record book have to have a little * to denote who was competing with a male body?

What, pray tell, are we going to do with the diagnosis of issues like this?
We call it normal because that's what makes her feel good? Then what the hell would you call insanity?

There seems to be no end to the things in which people can find offense.

And you notice that the people dishing out these "rules" will not allow you to criticize them.

"I met a girl at a bar who bought me a drink, then afterwards bought me dinner. Then she drove me to her place and we had passionate sex."
"Damn, Earl, how ugly was she?"



Boy, they sure took different career paths.

This young lady needs more attention.

They grow up so fast, don't they?

Did Bush grabs Clinton?

When I see the birthday crew at a restaurant coming over to sing to me.

Becca Swanson breaking a world record by bench pressing 551lb(249kg). She's also the only woman in history to squat 800lb(362kg)
With interesting graphics presentation.

Imagine how out of hand it would get if we didn't get hangovers.



I would pay good money to watch them do that naked.

Surprise, motherfucker!

Oh, hell no.

“La Mécanique du l’Histoire”, performance at Panthéon of Paris.

Generally, we admire the thing we are not.





Can't you just smell that?

This happens more times than one would think.



Y'all know the feeling when you get to slip the word 'thus' in a conversation.



How wonderful.
If I were to have one, I want one like that.






Great for teaching a kid to drop his friends off at the pool...KIYAN!



I've had a thousand people that I'm so lucky to be so talented. I tell them that I've noticed the more I sweat the luckier I get.



Our household finances are so bad my wife has started having sex with me because she can't afford batteries.






I always smile when a believer will ask something like, "But why would anybody just make all that stuff up?" when I point out the illogic of the bible.


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