About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Star Wars Theme in a minor key.

Call me old-fashion, but marriage should be about a man aligning forces with a trusted ally to consolidate power and destroy common enemies.



Wise young man.








I bet this guy got in a lot of fights in high school.

Is that true?

Who would have thought this came out of that mouth?


Who wouldn't want that on their resume.



Martin Luther, 500 years ago.


There is an epidemic of things that hardly ever happen.




This fully assembled Memory Metal Heat Engine demonstrates the conversion of heat energy into mechanical energy. This simple Nitinol Wire Heat Engine is constructed of a boomerang shaped clear acrylic holder with two high quality cast aluminum pulleys. The pulleys feature ball bearing construction for fluid movement.

Then why the hell isn't that stuff written into every building code in the country?

Remember what I've told you about any job that humans do with their hand will some day be done by a robot?

I put this in this section because...well, it kind of fits.

This scale uses fluid dynamics to accurate measure weight.

It's called flipping a pancake and Russia's Sukhoi SU-35 does it quite well.


Sometimes I fantasize that my dick is alive and can talk to me, and it won't let me pee unless I tell it a funny enough joke.



Who in their right mind wouldn't see this coming?

An app lets you remove makeup from a video.


There is a time and place for such things, and that ain't it.

This is hung on the air brake hoses of a semi.

Chilling quotes from mass murderers.

Said to be "Vacuum cleaning burning coals."

A loyal viewer sent that to me from Austin, Texas.

Courtney Dauwalter, the awesome winner of MOAB 240 Ultramarathon
"Begins and ends in Moab, Utah. Race route runs south west from Moab by the Colorado River through the Canyons section and south to the Abajo Mountains then north to the La Sal Mountains to finish in Moab - 238 miles.
She beat the other guys by 10 hours!, 10 god damn hours!! While sleeping for only 21 minutes!"

Damn, he's good.

I think not.


This is how a soccer player deals with this malady.

This is how a rugby player deals with the same malady.

More or less insisting that your friends buy a one-time use dress to attend your wedding is insanity.
Please help end this "princess for a day" mind set.

After being knocked down, NEVER try to get up too fast!
And we call that a sport.

If your wife is suffering from a UTI, DO NOT refer to it as "Just getting a few particles of fecal matter up your pee-pee hole."

How's this for a segue...


We all know cases of uncanny luck...

Worst Frogger player. Ever. 

Now so sure if that is luck or pure skill.

And she wasn't even texting on her phone.

You have to look carefully to notice the bullet ripping through the wall right where he was standing.

The reason it's called a 'Flash' Flood.
Had the wherewithal to get out of the way, but also to get off the bridge.

I'm sure you've seen this.
I think they are both lucky to have each other.

 Threw my back out reaching in the cooler for a beer. Told everyone it was from having sex while skydiving.







RH - That's just a drawing. Shit like that really doesn't happen...unless you are a fucking lunatic.


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