About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Lady Gaga - Sting If I Ever Lose My Faith In You at Kennedy Center Honors 2014






I don't see Voyager One. Maybe the chart was made years ago.

I've discussed this before - that being how the inevitable fatal mishaps make this a valuable living environment.
The way I have it figured is that less die from falls than would be eaten by predators in the lowlands, but it still confuses me.


Wife and I are seriously thinking of moving to Illinois to be near my grandson. The winters are the problem, but we figure we will just stock up and hunker down til spring.

And we'll sell all three of our current vehicles and buy a 4 wheel drive so we don't die.
I know you young people won't understand this, but me walking on ice is of great concern.
Also, many people have told me that Subarus are great all-weather vehicles. Anybody know any different?

 You can buy live bees. You can have them delivered anywhere you want. It's like $6. The internet doesn't make behaving very easy.

One of my most poignant stories is of the black veteran who came home on leave and the German prisoners were allowed to eat in the local restaurant, but he was not. Think about that.


Woman in Costco brought back Christmas tree on January 4th because it was dead.
It was stated they accepted it and gave her a refund.

If you hate bullfighting as I do, you will love this.
The gif wouldn't load, but trust me, something happens that you will not anticipate.


And here's why he got elected.
Imagine H. Clinton knowing that she is so hated that she couldn't beat a crazy man.

What is it with Americans who jump on every fad that walks in the door? We PAY doctors to give us medical advice, then we ignore them. I'm perplexed. 

I read about neighborhoods where every where you go people are barred in to curtail robbery.
Most of these children have never seen their father. How do we solve this problem? I'm not sure a gang banger would work at a job even if it was available.

Not too long ago an internet famous Russian kid died doing shit like this.
All for fake points.
I guess the payoff is that you didn't die...until you do, all the while thinking, "Well, I can didn't die at home."
I've posted this before, but it still effected me. The slope of the bed is EXACTLY backwards of what I would want (demand). And she hauled that book all the way up the face of a mountain so she could READ before sleep? Like there's nothing else to do...wink, wink! That would put you in the mile high club without the use of an airplane.


And how does this guy get back?

Or maybe he climbs down the face of the shorter rock.
"Dick you have a good time jumping from one very high rock to another?"
"Oh, yes, I didn't die."


This gentleman opens a 65-year-old sleeping bag in a can.

Judas: You guys coming to the last supper?
Everyone Else: Why'd you call it that?



I wonder how wild elephants deal with this problem.

50%? Then he ought to do it twice.

Guy could have become a brain surgeon in the time it took him to learn how to do that.

How very, very nice of him...I mean a mother nourishing her infant not being evil or whatever.

The door handle to this butcher shop.
I really like people who think outside the box.

A genius would have put Kevin Bacon in Grease.


I was once asked in a comment left on FO why I was so obsessed with anal jokes. Well, it may come as a great disappointment to some of you people, but I don't make up all the gags on this blog. I steal them from the internet...the internet that is obsessed with anal jokes.

I have not even known someone who took their own life, but I'm sure I would have blamed myself. I would think about all the things I could have said to steer him/her away from that option.







 I just want to take a moment to thank God for making it be parrots that talk and not cockroaches.



Bars per capita

Monemvasia, Greece
There are structures on top. What's up with that? But I can't help but think about the dating situations among the three or four teenagers in that town. I am just going to assume standards are lowered when it comes to who does and who does not get laid.
It's like this tiny village in Mexico.
It doesn't matter how handsome the young men are, somebody ends up fucking the fat girl with the huge mole on her nose. And visa versa. 

The Emu War of 1932
The end result of the war was arguably that the emus won via outlasting the humans. While there were no human casualties, only 986 of the roughly 20,000 emus were killed, and 9,860 bullets had been used up.

Speaking of birds...
God I hope that is true.

This looks like a scene out of an apocalypse movie.

One photo (not a composite)
Yeah, it's a repost, but it is just so well done.

Ice balls on the shore of Lake Michigan.

Had the pleasure of going to Alaska in the spring and this was happening all over. I was awed to the bone.

I saw that and immediately thought of the slow process that could curve rock layers the same way.

Sign me up for that cross country shit, coach.

Hello couchness my old friend
I've come to sleep on you again
Because a wife softly seething 
Hates the fact that I'm breathing



Well, I guess that's one way to do it.

How wonderful.

The wind in your face.


The Explosive Charge Inside an Airbag Is Terrifying.

I would think no one would be allowed to be on that end of the tug.
If that cable snaps, it would snap back like a very big, very deadly rubber band.



Or as I heard it phrased: You make a date in the future with someone you don't even know will show up.





1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Subaru's & Jeeps are both great all weather autos. BUT tires are the most important component in the equation.


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