About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

SUNDAY #3556

One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com
Here's more on that curve.






Books you may have missed...






Looking forward to this problem taking care of itself.

The uneasy suspicion that if you heard yourself talking, you would sound like an asshole.

A minute, 45 seconds.
How long I'll hold my hands under a restaurant faucet before I finally realize it's not motion activated.




I laughed throughout this ultra silly movie.
Of course, I love absurdity.

With porn and stripping do you realize the employment opportunities available only to women?


Put me in the game, coach.

Shibari kind of kinky

Shibari really kinky

The weaker sex.



Well, what are Y'all planning to do tonight?


Oh, look, foreplay...

Dr: I'm sorry. we lost her.
Husband: What??
Dr: But we think she was moved to the adjacent wing of the hospital.
Husband: Oh.
Dr: That's where the morgue is.



Men love doing shit like that.

If you don't fight, you can't fight.
That shit takes practice.
And it helps if you are very, very fast.

Yeah, like they need some lure to get us to buy beer.

I know that some women do jobs like this...
But overwhelmingly it is men risking their lives for the rest of us.

"My reaction as a German realizing that Americans buy all our cars in highly motorized editions but have speed limit of 70 mph."


60 egg tortilla de patatas flip
Try saying that ten times real fast.
I will almost guarantee you he puts that on his resume.

If there is a lazy man's way to do something, a man will find it.

But many times they over-engineer the machines.

Wolverine was named that because he was a combination of a wolf and a nectarine. I will not be taking questions at this time.



[verification needed]

Cuvier's Beaked Whale: Mammalian Diving Record Shattered
In particular, this species has been recorded diving to depths of nearly 10,000 ft, the deepest dives ever reported for any air-breathing mammal. In order to achieve these depths, the whale is able to dive for over two hours on a single breath and fold down its ribcage to decrease buoyancy and minimize air pockets.
Adults reach a length of 6.1m (20 ft) and the extensive linear scarring, commonly seen on the sides of males, is evidence of the damage these teeth can inflict when males fight amongst each other for females.

Speaking of whales...
I bet seeing one of those would freak out seamen in the 1800s.

 God I love watching working dogs...

How the Winchester Experimental Submachine Gun's Folding Stock Worked

Quick gif showing the Winchester N2's folding stock, appears to be largely based on the MP40s stock, quick a lot of play in it when deployed, but when folded forward it creates a front grip and locks in place quite securely. 


Human for scale...

Non-Newtonian Armor


I'm calling it contamination in the lab without knowing anything else about it.

Oo long tea!

I've designed dozens of projects like that, but mine featured images, not words.

An Aerial View of Venice
Do kids in Venice Italy have canal smarts?
It would behoove you to get in the red roof tile business.



Stupid bastard.







Linens and Things
(never heard of it)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any idea where that fabulous brick structure is located?

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