About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, April 21, 2018


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Have you ever walk out on a movie because it sucked too bad to endure?



And that, Gentle Reader, is why cousins shouldn't marry.


That is sort of like my religion.


That's much harder than one would think.



Think "absurd."








Playing Jenga in the Tower of Pisa.







I hope that's on his wrist to give the arresting officer a laugh.




Well, not with that attitude.



Movie diagrams




In the future, everyone will be famous for $15.

I think about the Harry Potter line "The wand chooses the wizard" every time I'm reading a menu.



Cycling from England to Australia

A once in a lifetime adventure should only be done once.

They saw some awesome stuff...

Oh, my.




A waste of a good beer if you ask me.


Always keep a "Baby on Board" sign on your car so if you are in a multi-vehicle pile-up, the paramedics will save you first.

That's true for me. I think that's the root of my holey moleys that I find on the beach and the hearts of stone in parking lots, etc. In any waiting room, I MUST have a crossword puzzle. Driving I have someone read me a book. In my bar, I work on my blog unless I'm with some interesting person. I have a very low boredom threshold.


How odd.


Those are real people.




It's a miracle!
Yeah, thousands of humans vaporized, but the statue survived. What the fuck would you call a catastrophy?


Nililism at its most poignant.


Didn't catch this lady's name.


Said to be Banksy...

Next time you are at a hotel and need a fridge to keep your beer cold, call the desk and tell them it's for your insulin.





Sci-fi flick had a space traveler using this fork.
The same style fork was used in 2001 and The Martian. I couldn't help but wonder why NASA felt the need to redesign the fork.


Story Time
I had a good friend who built movie sets. He built the set for Jazz Time that won an Academy Award. Anyway, when I saw that image I thought of him.
He once went canoeing and left his VW ban where they put in, planning to get a ride back to the vehicle when they reached their destination. Upon returning they discovered that someone had used his van for target practice and it was shot full of holes. Now skip forward a few months and he left that same van in an airport parking lot while he flew off for a meeting. Upon returning, as soon as he put his key in the door he was rushed by a hidden SWAT team. It took a while, but he finally explained the bullet holes to them and was released.


Same states that are less educated.


A year of earthquakes.

Have you ever spilled part of your drink on the seat in front of you at a theater to keep anyone from sitting there?










No virgin has ever walked like that.

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