About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

SUNDAY #3671

One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


Ladies and gentlemen, the most beautiful, smartest, sweetest and helpful grandson in the entire world.

FYI: That is called Rembrandt Lighting.

Moving on...

For a 3 1/2-year-old, he looks like he takes his driving very seriously, but his game playing needs some work. I beat the little fucker every single time and most of the time I placed the puzzle pieces in the correct place on the very first try. Plus he picked the Colts and my Chiefs kicked his ass. I took his last dollar and he cried like a baby. Life is tough, kid, get a life.






The jobs we perform

 They built whole cathedrals with technology like that.

This was much better with sound, but Blogger doesn't allow MP4s. Bummer.

Somebody has been thinking again.

1. It looks like more oil is spilling out than the tanker can hold.
2. How the fuck did the oil get that pressurized?
3. The driver just sits there - disregarding the threat of fire.

Today’s the day he quit his job...
We've all had days like that.

Very humanlike movements, don't you think?
"Any job that can be done with the hands will soon be done by a robot." Not my quote, but I agree with it.

Just a bit off the front, please...
Can a robot do that?

You can say "Have a nice day" with no problem, but you can't say "Enjoy the next 24 hours" without sounding mildly threatening.



Entertainment at its finest...

In all of human history, this may be the first time a group of people tried this...


Last known photo of the Mercenaries that were hired to help prevent a Communist invasion of the Republic of Val Verde, 1987.

"Little House on the Prairie" in France.

The most unrealistic part of spy movies is everyone’s ability to insert the USB drive on the first attempt.






Carolina Dog is just about the perfect pet. They are gentle, loyal, yet protective, yet low maintenance.

I'm betting that fish has been fed from that pier so many times that it is almost tame.

I think I have shown you that before. I hate cats that much.

What if people got a new name every birthday.







I've said that to my kids before.

They should make an essential oil with the chicken pox vaccine in it.



Prince Rupert Drop VS a bullet.
Think of the first person to drop a molten blob of glass in water and then discover that phenomena. I bet he freaked.

Rib Cage and resin...
I later learned it is made of the spine of a pine cone.

And then the water receded.

This is extraordinary...
Unless someone is just fucking with us for imaginary internet points.

He Fried For Our Sins

The fun way to break the ice and start a conversation...
Let's just call that an interactive sculpture, shall we.
And I like it very much.

We have all pretended not to look at the donuts being handed around the room and acted surprised when you got offered one.



One of the most poignant quotes I've ever heard was in the aftermath of a tsunami.
"I had nothing. Now I have lost everything."

 Beth seems fun.

Player 3 has entered the game...

Yes, I have more questions:
Don't you hate it when people park their cars like the red SUV?
What happened to the dog?
Did you notice the guy at the door almost got decapitated?

The show must go on...

When she says, "Prove you're not drunk."

Oh, hell no.


- I am a genie and I offer you 3 wishes.
- Make it 4.
- Granted. You have 3 left.



Auburn scored 56 points in the first half of their bowl game. We got to thinking about the highest scores, so I looked it up. Here is part of a very long list of teams who have scored over 100.

This Central Oklahoma team must have been a ball buster.

The vast majority were a hundred or so years ago, but here are some relatively recent high scores.

And the highest score I could find was St. Viator with 205.


Capturing plasma in a syringe.
Somebody want to explain that to me...in English...fifth grade English?



Yeah, but they didn't all look like her. Think of the ones with boils or vomit or oozing rashes.








I'm going to try another topic in this the Afterthought Section. It will discuss one of my pet peeves. What I am not trying to do is sound like I have all the answers. I can only tell you my opinions following 70+ years of paying attention.

 I will use every weapon at my disposal to fight these people. They can do whatever they want to themselves, but harming babies is one of my flashpoints.

All I ask of you is to make these people pay a price for their folly. Refuse to be friends with them; don't invite them to family reunions; bring in a counselor. But don't just ignore it - that makes you an abettor.



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