About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, January 10, 2019


 One Of My Very Own
 (RH: I know that's not funny and I'm sorry, but after it goes in the file I have vowed to use every goddamned one of them.)

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

When your parents want to talk to you about what they found under your bed...






Rainbow Mountain in Peru
If I had a bucket list that would be on it.

This report is the latest in a months-long saga that’s long since turned weird.

Let that sink in.


Every kid needs one of these.

If you like stand up comedy and good old-fashioned Murica, you need to listen to this. This is a story of the SR71 blackbird as told by USAF Maj (Ret) Brian Shul on one of his adventures in this beast of an aircraft. 

I still find all that emptiness amazing.

Horse Skeleton With Saddle and Harness Still Attached Uncovered at Pompeii.

Zulu time
Zulu Time is the world time. It is also known as UT or UTC (Universal Time (Co-ordinated)). All over the planet, it is the same time. There are no timezones for UTC. UTC also has no Daylight Saving Time or Summer Time. Greenwich mean time was based upon the time at the zero degrees meridian that crossed through Greenwich, England.
RH: So you are a general planning an attack involving armed forces all over the world. You don't need to know any time zones, you just switch to Zulu time and everyone is on the same page.

And every single one of us has mastered that intricate ballet just to order another beer.


I'm not sure you realize how very, very difficult that is to do.

 I think it has already been proven beyond a doubt that we will pronounce it any way we please creator's instructions be damned. 

I looked a few of these up and apparently they are true!

 If Die Hard isn’t a Christmas movie why do I spend the holidays hiding in the vents of my workplace?

Remember this? One of my favorite cartoons?







 "Nominees significantly improve the gene pool by eliminating themselves from the human race in an obviously stupid way. They are self-selected examples of the dangers inherent in a lack of common sense, and all human races, cultures, and socioeconomic groups are eligible to compete."
Over the past year or so, I've seen people use the term 'Darwin Award' far too liberally, applying the term to virtually any number of people that are merely doing stupid or dangerous things.  It is so much more specific, however, so I figured a quick Public Service Announcement never hurts.  Be careful out there this year!

 I'm sick of these libs telling me I can't say "Happy Honda Days" because I might offend someone who celebrates Toyotathon. So, I guess I'm supposed to wish everyone a "Happy Winter Car Sale"?



The end of this made me scream aloud...


Machines, putting humans out of work for...oh, ever.

It seems like a public gathering place has a rendezvous spot.

At our State Fair it is the rocket used for the same purpose.

When my mother was growing up they had not yet erected the mammoth statue of Vulcan. His body parts lay all over the park and any lost child went to Vulcan's toe to await reunification with loved ones.

I bet shit like that has been going on a long, long time. 

Ain't nature grand.

I had no idea it could be done this way.
How igloos are built in a spiral and I really enjoyed it.

I've been to the beach a million times and never seen this.
 Do you think it's for a little wind protection?

 Kudos to dogs for enduring seven 2018s.




Well, yeah, that's one way to do it.

There was a celebrity photographer who would ask his famous subjects to jump up in the air as a way of breaking the tension.

He even got Nixon to do it.



Don't you just know this guy grew to hate people.

I got to have me one of these.
 Squirrels eat all of my pecans and all of my peaches. 

Mini-tank paintball
Apparently, this has been a real thing. I found a bunch of places with a google search. I knew nothing about it and thought it was worth sharing.

I'm sorry, but I thought this movie was overhyped.

The caption for this read: Ducks do crosswalk better than humans in Germany.
I perused a site concerning the biggest fakes of 2018 and this is one of them. Just watch the last duck's feet sliding across the sidewalk. 

How could he not shoot the cat?

“The happiest day of my life”
 - Hindu brides










1 comment:

Scott James said...

This Monday Punday took me way longer than it should have.

Quiznos. As in Quiznos Subs. Quiz-Nose.

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