About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, February 25, 2019

MONDAY #3714

One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



PETA is just Vegan Westboro Baptist Church.

QUESTION: Does PETA even have a public relations department? It's almost like they purposely shoot themselves in the foot from time to time.




When I got my draft notice in 1966 I immediately joined the Air Force.

Luckily my test scores were high enough to get me assigned to nuclear weapons.

I would not have been a good Marine.

I will openly admit that basic training was a snap.
That was right in the middle of a huge troop increase in Southeast Asia. The Air Force reduced its boot camp from 16 weeks to 14, then 12 and by the time I got there it was a mere 8 weeks.

Well, it wasn't that easy, but it wasn't all that difficult either. 

 I had somewhat of a plan...GET OUT OF THE MILITARY!
The first sergeant gave every troop a re-enlistment briefing once a year. When I walked into his office he just slid the form across the desk and I signed that I had been briefed. He was a regular in the weekly poker game in my room so he knew I had no intentions of staying in uniform.

The only thing the real warrior class hates more than the Air Force is the Navy.

 And my favorite...


In all seriousness...
When you spend a few years where "Don't get killed" is the only thing on your to-do list, then readjusting to normal life will surely prove problematic.


If spiders could actually web-swing like Spider-Man, the world would be quantifiably more terrible.




Mr. Lionel Messi, ladies and gentlemen.
BTW - Messi just scored the 50th hat trick of his career.

Claustrophobia 101



Speaking of movies...
 Await Further Instructions, an okay Sci-Fi movie if you are interested in group dynamics.


How very touching.

When it's your 5th birthday and your Uncle Bob is the police chief.


The story of the B-17 “All American”.

I watched a documentary about German pilots who were instructed to ram American bombers then bailing out. They even interviewed one of the pilots who did that.

“Death is not the opposite of life. Life has no opposite. The opposite of death is birth.”

Eckhart Tolle




Why can't the world get their shit together? We all need to drive on the same side of the road. We all need to use the metric system. And why do the navies of the world still use knots as a unit of speed when it's about 1.1 mph? 

And then there's this...


This woman has been convinced that she MUST shave every hair from her body.

Not only does she obey these urgings, but she PAYS for products to ensure she does it right. Ladies, you are better than that.

Fuck Saudi Arabia. 


This is exactly how I feel about it...

I don't use weights when I work out because nothing could be as heavy as the weight of my sins. Think sloth.




These are Cownose rays. They often form large groups called fevers. A few different species of sharks eat them. They seem to be one of the Hammerhead's favorite foods. 
birds, fish, they didn't all see the threat.

Long exposure image of a rock climber who tied some LEDs to his back.


 Fireworks in reverse is kind of trippy.

A thrown up rock could kill someone. 





If smoking marijuana causes short-term memory loss, what does smoking marijuana do?





Fin whale vertebrae beneath the water of a lake in Svalbard, Norway.

How a Drum magazine works (Suomi M31, Winter War, and WWII issue)

For twenty years a local bar allowed people to write or draw on dollar bills that were stapled to the walls like wallpaper. When the bar closed the owner gave me all the bills with which to make art.
This reminds me of it.
I'm assuming that is painted on the truck.
By the way, the bank would not let the owner of the bar cash in his bills. He was told to send them to the US Mint for authentication.
Here are some in-progress pics:

I've thought about displaying them in an antique suitcase, but I think they need another element. Stay tuned.
(Skip forward two weeks)
I ordered a dozen mesh bags to stuff the money in.

But the mesh was too fine to see the money through.

So I have ordered another type of mesh bag that I feel will work better.
I'll send you pics of the final piece, but that bag looks like exactly what I'm looking for...big enough to show the money; small enough to keep the money from spilling out.

 Shane Grammer’s murals in the ruins of the Paradise, CA Camp Fire

He's a Disney artist and here's examples of his work.

This dog was born with a selfie on his ear.


How long is it useful to carb load after a super hard cardio workout? Is the answer 3 years?




 When employed as a kitchen coordinator I was instructed to first pile up the fries then cover it with fried shrimp, making it look like there were much more shrimp than there actually was. The chef above does the same thing with the rice.


It just gets better every time you look at it.



I don't mean to brag, but I just did all five of my dishes IMMEDIATELY after cooking and eating. IMMEDIATELY.







The sign fell from the wall above the shelf.

At least it is in a container.

Where do you suppose he's from where they speak English? 

 This is how you use a Mahl stick that I've mentioned before.


 All things Ralph...

 [verification needed]








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