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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

I don't know about you, but I'm more than ready for the fucking war to start.



Dad got it wrong...kid being a hero...

101 years ago, Charlie Chaplin was raised up by Douglas Fairbanks on Wall Street

During World War 1 the US needed quick money.  One of the common tactics of governments during the period to raise such money was the use of war bonds.  Backed by the US Treasury the bonds would mature at a later date, giving much-needed funds to the war effort while banking on the survival and prosperity postwar of those who bought.  While initial sales were low, the Treasury began asking actors to volunteer to sell.  And the team of Fairbanks and Chaplin toured the country selling bonds.

This kid is impressed by dad's magic trick...

I'll be the first person to acknowledge that there is some really bad art out there, but real art does much much more than decorate your living room. 


Presenter accidentally kisses Cyclist on the lips...
A little over-reactive, don't you think...unless they are both gay.

NYC Cop Beats Well Armed Man

There's a 'having a shitty day' joke in there somewhere.
[verification needed] 


How lucky we are that we can't hear the screams in other people's dreams.



Why would this man deem that appropriate?
Fuck that guy. 

This is a normal human reaction to animals in distress.

If the cop feels threatened in any way, he is justified in ending that threat.

Dog survived wildfires by hiding in the stone oven.


[verification needed] 
Those are exactly like the ones in Alaska. They will, in fact, bite you through a jacket, shirt, and T-shirt, but they are very slow.

I have a Mac and don't have to defrag.



Something you don't see every damn day...




With 64 moons, Jupiter must have a hell of a werewolf problem.



Almost took one for the team.

This makes my dick hurt.
Sitting on the only part that could turn out from under him.

Oh, that's terrifying...

Never ever run from the cops.


Don't tread and text...

The question of how he got paralyzed begs to be asked. 

On a Segway. 

 I have relatives less handsome than this guy.

If you are one of those white people who fear black people, then you need to watch these...


Do white people know that dogs in Flint don't have clean water either? Have we tried that approach?



Hey Y’all, this is what 1,000 lbs. of recovered food waste looks like. Instead of getting tossed into a dumpster, this food was distributed to three area shelters and will feed a LOT of people!
As I understand it, the majority of food is discarded due to cosmetics. 

 Please don't buy into political conclusions simply because your political party supports it. Look at the peer-reviewed studies - studies done by people who don't have a dog in the fight.

This is the smart way to solve problems with a game of "Prove It".


This is what happens when 340 grams of plastic hit aluminum at 24000 kmph in space.

That's why blowing up satellites is a very bad idea, India!


I'm kind of jealous how plants just say "Fuck it" and die when it gets cold.



 Tommy gun in violin case 1928.

All things Ralph...

The 1911 just looks so much heavier. 

 A Star of David?


Look closely at this.
What are the advantages of the slanted walls on the right?

What to guess what's in the can?

I'm sorry, but no. I find it just silly. 











1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Salvador Dali would allow himself to fall asleep sitting in a chair, with a heavy metal key in his hand. He would let his arm hang down, and had a metal plate placed such that the key would land on it when he fell asleep. On being awakened by the noise, he would attempt to record the ideas that were in his head at the exact moment that he fell into REM sleep.

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