About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, May 10, 2019

FRIDAY #3788

One Of My Very Own
 [verification needed]

EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



I hate every fucking Trump on the planet and even I say enough is enough.

That soccer match between Ajax and Tottenham was one of the most exciting I have ever watched. I had money on Ajax and ended up rooting for Tottenham.



I think we can all agree that men are more violent than women. If left in a room full of cases of Bibles, young boys would end up throwing them at one another. It's in our genes as a way of attracting mates. Fearlessness must be high on the list of traits women have for selecting a man to sire her children...or at least we lie to think so.

Men organize themselves in teams of millions for huge big dick contests that cost the lives of mostly very young men who VOLUNTEER to participate.


The men unfit for such organized efforts can impress women with personalized routines displaying extreme manliness.
The thong underwear is a nice touch 

Men don't have to be angry to enter into bouts of strength.


In every society, games are organized that allows young men who don't, in fact, have a big dick pretend that they do...think rugby.

A man is being robbed. What does he do? Call a cop?
Noooooo. He kicks the offender squarely in the face.


In the most organized big dick contest ever invented men can find a way to enjoy it even more with just a Magic Marker.
The term "short" means that the participant has a short amount of time before rotating out of the warzone.

Men love to fuck with other men in ways that do not involve violence.


We even like fucking with people who aren't even our friends.

But lock up the children when men get bored. There is NOTHING a bored man won't do to forestall the ennui.

And men will use anything available to not be bored.

The aged are not immune to the invention of boredom evading procedures.

The restraints of law and civil decorum have forced many men to transition from real to fanciful violence.

These men are classified as "Man-Child" for obvious reasons. And...
I have sat at a bar listening to grown men discuss video games for hours. I am so glad I never got addicted.

Men take pride in unique fuckups. I can assure you that the man responsible for that accident documented it to the fullest.

Every man in every culture wonders how his dick would feel in that machine. 


I can't even raise my voice at my wife without her crying and getting all up in my face like I'm 6'8" with two pistols.




Women who act as aggressive as men are ridiculed.
Karen is the name given to women who always want to speak to the manager. 

Women can get paid for letting people look at their body. Think about that. "Here, look at me. Give me money."
Men not so much.
And don't get me started about the unfair nature of selling sexual favors. 

Many men think erroneously that women have a lower sex drive than men. I can personally attest to the fallacy of that assumption.


I was lucky enough to get a very strong woman to fall in love with me.
I really like it when she wears the T-shirt that says:

Female anatomy with milk ducts.

That was the perfect segue to my next section...


On this day 15 years ago my wife picked up the phone and interrupted a file at 96% I'd been downloading for 17 hours.




Ladies, if you don't want us to stare, wear a burka or some such shit. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

Figuring out what is and what is not acceptable relationship behavior begins early.


That really doesn't relate to this section, but you must agree it's a cool image.

I've been asked what I was willing to do to satisfy a woman...anything and everything she wants to be done. 

I have dedicated my life to make sure my partner had as much fun as I did. 

I have known men who prefer large women. I don't give a shit one way or the other, but it's probably a good thing since women are collectively getting larger and larger.



It's not everyone else's job to manage your triggers. Go to therapy and learn how to deal with them yourself.




I think that's a hair curler.

Do you think he shakes it or does it vibrate like that on its own?
And similarly...


I'm thinking buttons.
But why in that pattern? Why not straight across? 

My favorite Farside cartoon was the guy who invented a dog translation helmet and discovered that all dogs only say, "Hey! Hey!"


You may have to go through the wringer, but you don't have to look like it.



That is one alert mom. 

Want to guess what's going on here?

The pet groomer only has half of an arm.

A lot of confusion about this...
No, blind people were not allowed on the field. I was to raise awareness. 

My primary care provider got her bachelor's from Greenville Tech and her master's online. Think about that a minute.
It was at the VA that I woke up with that camera stuck up my ass and it took five of them to hold me on the table and re-gas me.

When the temperature is 126 F.

Be like that guy.

I would have had the font colors of the color words match the color in the graphic.

Earthquake causing rooftop swimming pool to slosh.


I remember that it was a HUGE controversy. 

From an Armenian-American:
Today marks the 104th anniversary of the beginning of the Armenian Genocide, where 1.5 million Armenians (and many other ethnic groups including Assyrians and Greeks) were slaughtered by the Ottoman Turks. They were raped. They were marched through scorching deserts. They were set on fire. They were thrown in concentration camps. They were dragged from their homes, forced to dig ditches in the streets, shot and then thrown into the very ditches they had just dug.  
Despite overwhelming evidence, many nations--including the United States--do not recognize this event ever happening. Much of this has to do with Turkey refusing to admit their own history. They threaten their allies, who have strategic military bases in the country, whenever they consider recognizing the Armenian Genocide. This angers me. Fortunately, more and more nations recognize this every year. There is hope.
The Armenian Genocide is widely regarded as the first genocide of the modern era (1900-present). In fact, some historians believe it served as the blueprint for many genocides that followed, including the Holocaust. On the eve of the Holocaust, the quote you see in the image was attributed to Hitler when he was asked whether their "final solution" would work. He claimed it would. Why? Because nobody could remember the Armenians.

By condemning atrocities in our past, we empower ourselves to stop those in our future.











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information, that's truly excellent, keep up writing.

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