About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, July 11, 2019


One Of My Very Own



Rip Torn is dead at 88.
 That was his real name by the way.
And who could possibly forget this scene?

Not to solve the pay equity problem permanently, but just for this year, somebody ought to start a GoFundMe for our women soccer players. I would give money and I NEVER give money.

The British police escort Trump's limo.
Subtle that.



I would love to show my grandson that. 

Bull tearing shit up with its horns, since bulls like tearing shit up with their horns...


We have several handmade quilts and I consider them treasures.

When the wife says it's sexy time.

We humans don't deserve dogs.

This is a Zip Grip.
 It was built in 1929 by Edwin J. Evans of Venice, California. The smooth jaws are easily and quickly adjusted by moving the slider up and down the handle length. The two separate Acme threads (one for the moving jaw, and one for the sliding adjuster) have differing pitch and direction to make this work. When properly oiled, the action glides quickly and effortlessly, yet the jaws hold solid when placed on a hex nut or bolt head and the wrench turned. Further evidence of the ingenuity of our forebears when it came to fascinating hand tool innovations.
Credit: https://www.instagram.com/p/By226J6Bv1j/

 I didn't believe it either.

A carbon nanotube is so light it floats.

She can do this lightning fast...

But teaching cursive in school has long outlived its usefulness. For the second time in a conversation, it came down to thank you notes. I opined that using hours of very valuable school time for such a thing is a great waste.

I had no idea that baby elephants were so hairy. That's amazing.


Parents who think schools shouldn't teach sex ed are the reason schools need to.



 I wonder how many people see all of them.

Get it? 



I so love the absurd. 

But from past experience, the professors know that most students are unwilling or unable to give the course the time required to succeed. 



I had an uncle who always introduced his wife - his only wife - as his present wife. 


That's the way I used to think about my beer purchases. 

Look who is back in the news...


🎶In the hole again. Can’t wait to get in the hole again...🎶


Why is sleeping in considered lazy but going to bed early isn't? I am starting an #AllSleepMatters Movement.



NOTE: As I have mentioned prior, I often wonder about film clips and how they happen to get made. Let's explore that, shall we?

This guy is trying to make a fishing show.
 Those are called bloopers and are easily understood.

I'm assuming this is a training video and likewise easily explained.

Security cameras often capture strange events.

Here's another security catch:
Luckiest dude in China

Often while filming one thing another strange thing is caught on film by pure dumb luck.
"Welp, my human has finally snapped." - dog probably


Illadvisably many people endanger themselves to capture events.
"Time to head to the shelter, Dorthy..."
 Did you notice that he skedaddled as soon as he saw the touchdown? But he had to do a double-take.

I often wonder where the camera is perched.
I guess it could be atop a tall building or helicopter but it is unclear.

On a side note... 
Following the 1964 9.2 Alaskan Earthquake survivors told of the earth opening up not in nice neat circles but in long cracks miles long, swallowing up family members right before their eyes.
One woman told of her and her daughter lying spread eagle clinging to a tilted slab of concrete by sheer friction alone and with each passing tremor, they slid closer toward the abyss. Terrifying stuff. 

My biggest confusion comes from wondering why a scene is being filmed in the first place. I offer three examples.

Roadblock turns into a speed bump...

 Algerian Feuzi Zabaat, 17, was called a hero for catching two-year-old mid-air. Syrian toddler Doha Muhammed stumbled out of an open second-floor window while her mother was cooking. Luckily, Mr. Zabaat saw her from the street and was able to catch her without any injuries. The incident took place in Istanbul, Turkey.
Nice sidewalks, Istanbul.

I'm gonna guess overheated brakes on the descent.
And that's why they have an emergency brake...an un-overheated emergency brakes. 


Do you ever sit back and realize that you are somebody's favorite person. The more the better.





Harold (Andras Arato) gives a TEDx talk on how he became a meme.


You have badasses and then you have Witold Pilecki (13 May 1901 – 25 May 1948).

During World War II, Pilecki volunteered for a Polish resistance operation that involved being imprisoned in the Auschwitz concentration camp in order to gather intelligence and later escape.[3] While in the camp, he organized a resistance movement and informed the Western Allies of Nazi Germany's Auschwitz atrocities as early as 1941.[4] He escaped from the camp in 1943 after nearly 2½ years of imprisonment.[5] He took part as a combatant in the Warsaw Uprising[6] in August–October 1944.[7] He remained loyal to the London-based Polish government-in-exile after the Communist takeover of Poland, and he was arrested for espionage in 1947 by the Stalinist secret police (Urząd Bezpieczeństwa) on charges of working for "foreign imperialism", a euphemism for British Intelligence.[8][9] He was executed after a show trial in 1948.

Curses to you, Infidels!! *Fist shake*
This was left in the comments:
"As an Arab Muslim, this brings joy to my heart. If we can do this on a bi-weekly rotation, I would very happy. Fuck Daesh."

Early in their existence, I read about Daesh changing their name to ISIS because Daesh sounds very much like an Arab curse word. I have long advocated that we all use it just to piss them off.

What an incredibly beautiful and delightful woman.

I actually don't know if this guy is more famous than you or not.
What I do know is that he knows how to salute.

Saluting: A Tutorial
Lay your hand, wrist, and forearm on a flat surface palm down. Slid all fingers until they touch one another. Now without letting your wrist bend or your thumb to curl to the palm (both common mistakes) lift your arm and wave it around. DO NOT let any joint change position from that of it laying on the flat surface. (harder than you think) Put it back on the flat surface to test that it's still straight - elbow to fingertip should be completely straight.
Once you master that, lift the arm until the upper arm is parallel to the ground and protruding straight out to the side of the body. Now bend the elbow and the tips of the index and middle finger should touch the eyebrow - palm down.

The right way shown in the movies...

Bent fingers...

Tucked thumb...

But never - EVER - do it with the left hand!

My wife put this photo on Facebook with this caption:
"The man, the myth, the legend."

There seems to be some confusion as to my drinking. I was forced to give up my usual 15 - 18 daily beers to control my urination. Excessive urination depletes my sodium levels - which is bad.
But I am allowed to drink wine with my evening meal.

And this is the way I feel when I pour my second post-meal libation.





 It's always funnier when they are fat.







Jon Crooks said...

There is no such thing as an emergency brake. The extra brake on your car or pickup is a parking brake and pretty useless in an emergency. Also big rigs and busses don't have a separate brake to use if you smoke the service brakes going down a hill too fast.

Ralph Henry said...

With all due respect, sir, that's a crock of shit. I overheated my brakes when I was younger and had it not been for the emergency brake I would have surely died. I was even taught to pull the release handle continuously then use the emergency brake like a normal break - slowing a little at a time.

Anonymous said...

You need to be a part of a contest for one of the greatest websites online.

I'm going to recommend this blog!

Scott James said...

E-Brake - Mr. Ralph is correct for most situations. If there is a failure with the hydraulic system of the brakes, the e-brake is used to stop the car.
Although the e-brake typically uses the same pads/shoes as the "regular" brakes, they are engaged mechanically rather than hydraulically. Two of my cars even has a mechanical shoe-drum e-brake set up that compliments the primary pad-disk of the the rear brakes.

On the other hand, if you have allowed your pads or shoes to get down to metal on metal with the disk or drum (respectively), then the e-brake will not help unless you have the complimentary configuration I mentioned above.

I check my e-brake adjustment twice a year to make sure it holds the car in place when placed in drive, with slight RPM increase. My front wheel drive cars will actually "drag" the car when the e-brake is properly adjusted and set.

BTW, Mister Ralph has been around the block more than a few times. I would trust him on this one.

Scott J.

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