One Of My Very Own
Films from the fires in Bolivia. Terrifying.
One of my favorite bartenders had a little boy.
Born on my birthday!
She is one of the sweetest, kindest person I have ever met. I've known her since she started working at my daily haunt. Back then she was too young to wait tables - because of the alcohol served. I watched her mature into a wonderful adult woman and couldn't be more proud of her.
Films from the fires in Bolivia. Terrifying.
One of my favorite bartenders had a little boy.
Born on my birthday!
She is one of the sweetest, kindest person I have ever met. I've known her since she started working at my daily haunt. Back then she was too young to wait tables - because of the alcohol served. I watched her mature into a wonderful adult woman and couldn't be more proud of her.
The unbroken seal on Tutankhamun's tomb, 1922. 3,245 years untouched.

You may wonder why I post that image so often. Well, that awes me more than the so-called treasures inside the tomb.
Those bad boys are made right here in South Carolina.
They are designed to allow soldiers to survive IEDs or normal mines.
Here are this old warrior's thoughts on such things.
[verification needed]
2019 Maserati Levante
About $80K
Today at my bar a guy said that he had just seen a Maserati SUV. I didn't believe him, but Google tells me it's true.
Very puzzling menu

Here's why those rear fins are a bad idea.
Had that been a '60 Eldorado the cyclist would have been impaled.
Probably not an American ad.
Americans aren't into shit being personified.
A doormat all dog owners will understand.
That fucker is HUUUGE!
Dogs are always wondering into army camps.
I found the guy's wording haunting:
"Animals in the Ukrainian army, war zone, Eastern Ukraine."
A modern country with an active war zone. And the world does nothing.
Here in the South, there is only one mayonnaise.

And if you don't have Duke's you might as well put that bread away.
The label illusion is mesmerizing.
I had no news of that's origin so I ran a Google image search.
Found this funny ass site:

"It's one thing to get a golf tee stuck in a nostril. Shit happens. But if you've got a golf tee in each nostril, that's a pattern," warned the emergency room doctor...again.

I watched a documentary about that very thing. They treated the prisoners like royalty but had placed microphones everywhere to record private conversations.
Do you think that is just photoshopped? I'm so jaded.
A guy on a rollercoaster catches another rider's phone.
This beautiful young woman has an amazing skill.
Have you ever been so angry at your wife that you...
Watch how close he flies to the top of the hill.

Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in world history to fly into outer space.
The man is a citizen of the planet. He should be honored everywhere.
I'm assuming that the trees they selected have been thoroughly tested for their survivability.
I've drilled holes in ice but NEVER through ice that thick!
Citizen Kane
The audience that watches Kane make his speech is, in fact, a still photo. To give the illusion of movement, hundreds of pinpricks were punched into the image, and lights moved about behind it.
Officer Mike Plumb, a Vietnam veteran, hurried to the scene with his Steyr SSG PII black sniper rifle. Positioning himself in the prone from 82 yards away, Plumb trained his scope on the target. When negotiations finally stalled for good, Lt. Peter Tobin gave permission to fire with one caveat: Plumb wasn't allowed to injure the target. He had to shoot the small .38 revolver out of Conley's hand without causing any harm to Conley himself.

I once owned a bar and the company gave me the keys to video games so I could play for free. Let me tell you the drunk-with-power feeling pushing that credit button was. I’ve been chasing that high ever since.
Do you think he was trying to commit suicide and just muffed it?
I really like the fire suppression system, though.
Here's the official flag of the Confederacy...

Who knew?
This woman is preparing to dive into a pool filled with what?
A. Ranch Dressing
B. Beer
C. Photoshopped lava
D. Dildos
A. Ranch Dressing
This is a handy tip.
Here's a hint concerning that images extraordinary oddness.
Remember Woody's role in Kingpin and what he was missing.
Taking turns to look oh so isolated.
They'll be putting a Starbucks up there in October.
That little delay in swelling and exploding.
The stupid bastards had no idea where it would land.
Perth, Australia
I was told she also complained about the neighborhood kids playing with a leather ball.
But within 24 hours this...
So it's come to this...
It looks like maps in First Person Shooter Games.
Because cracking down on kids being absolute evil cunts to each other is just dumb.
Like this kid assaulted with a shoe lace on a school bus.
He will remember that for the rest of his life.
No word on what happened to the assailants.
This arborist will soon be in great peril caused by what?

A. Earth
B. Wind
C. Fire
D. Water
E. Gravity
Wait for it...til the very end...
C. Fire
Yes, I have questions:
Who cuts down a healthy tree?
How does a chainsaw start a fire?
Where is his ground man?

Getting caught with a marijuana plantation on the roof during a cycle race - priceless.
Am I the only one who didn't know that?
What did they think was going to happen?
[verification needed]
The good news is that her fat ass could use the exercise.
Love your blog - part of my morning routine. However, the "Ponder This" makes no sense: Comparing the AVERAGE rent in the USA with the LOWEST POSSIBLE INCOME (minimum wage) is absurd. The comparison was designed to create an emotion of unfairness through careful wording of an incorrect analysis.
Those Maserati SUV's are indeed a thing. I am up in Montreal conducting some training and found myself behind one. Had to pass it to see the front end just to be sure.
Maserati SUV? pfffft. Check out the Lamborghini Urus.
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