One Of My Very Own

Barbecue implies the existence of a carolecue and possibly a debecue.
For whatever reason, I have happened upon several images that had something to say about death and dying. Some I will expound upon; others I will allow to speak for themselves.
Life can be extinguished in a heartbeat, yet your odds of survival increase by not being stupid.

Disregarding traffic laws at your own peril.
But don't forget that I warned you.
The police kill black men.
To increase your longevity, try not to be a black man.
Ignoring weather warnings like coming hurricanes or tornados makes dying much easier.
Brass knuckles with a single-shot weapon.
Do you memorize escape routes when you check into your hotel room?

Maybe you should.
What a wonderful survival strategy.

And I bet out of all the trees, he has a favorite one.
Also, is that a truck off to the right?

Yet he probably can carry a real gun anytime he wants.

My neighbor is trying to organize a block party and it’s like, I think we all know each other well enough, Tall Lady On Corner.
I get depressed when I think about all the people who have jobs that they hate.
And not just the normal awful jobs...
But the "normal" 9 to 5 jobs that people dread going to.
Hell, I had two jobs for my entire life. I taught school full time and every spare minute I painted murals. I loved both of those jobs but I still looked forward to retirement.
I think the real problem with most employment in the modern day is the sheer boredom. Think back when staying alive required all of your energy and imagination.

The living and dying of not only you but your whole family depended on you doing your job well. Nowadays most people get paid for doing the least amount of work they can do.
I used to have a recurring part of my blog called "Painted Ladies."
I really enjoyed collecting and posting the images. But then the morals police ratted my ass out to Mr. Google.
I hate those people.
I've often said that there is a person out there who would like nothing more than spending their life with someone - yet both these people end up dying alone.
If you are a normally decent guy or girl, the only thing you can do is lower your standards. This ain't no movie and you ain't no Tom Cruise.
So get out there and find someone to share your life with!

Most people want your time...not your money.

There is a very good reason states vote the way they do.
Rural states want the government to leave them the fuck alone.

Urban states need tons of federal funds to support their massive infrastructure.

But for the good of the country both are necessary. There are no good states and bad states. There are only differences in needs.
When you break it down even further, we are all much more alike than we are different.


Not anymore, Alfred. Not any more.
Good old American optimism seems to have taken a leave of absence.
Not that I really blame the pessimists. There are many signs that we should all be fearful.

The problem is that most people have never had an original thought. They regurgitate the thoughts and words of others.
Nobody listens to a symphony and asks what does it mean. Nobody watches a ballet and ask the same. But unthinking people still think that the artist's job is to depict a part of life as a camera.

“Art has nothing to do with taste. Art is not there to be tasted”
— Max Ernst
The short term longevity of normal fads is easily predictable, but cultural fads take much longer and to most people, they are considered morally justified.
Smoking is one the way out.
Selfies and photographing your food is out.
Tattoos are on their way out.
And I honestly believe racism is on the way out, but these white power assassins are just its last desperate gasps before it becomes an ugly embarrassing footnote.
And religion is finally on its way out.

I watched a movie the other night with these lines:
It was believed that the jungle was a living deity that gave life and took it away.
They had an elaborate code of beliefs that to them were very, very true despite being...well, silly.
And how do they respond to the doubters?

Every culture just makes up supernational explanations for things they don't understand.
What happens to us when we die? Religion is there to give you the answer.
Where did we all come from? The religious books and lore have the answer.
Remember when this was taken seriously?

Because through laws, religious people want to force their superstitions on the rest of us. Why else would they force stores to close on Sunday?

I bet Amelia Earhart and Jimmie Hoffa are just wandering around in an IKEA somewhere.

Only the internet will understand.
Here's a hint...

Jean-Claude Van Damme as a dancing extra in the movie Breakin’.


"You’re 42 years old I’m not reading you a bedtime story every night."
- the inventor of the audiobook

The same people who can name all the Kardashians don't know who these men are.

I once told an architect that I could do something similar to that hanging from the ceiling of his airport and he didn't believe me.
Have you got a little girl child?

From the artist that places those little people...
Doorstop at ice cream shop.
They don't make 'em like they used to.
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