One Of My Very Own
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I try not to share overly dramatic posts, but...



"Thank you a little bit."
Of course, it is. Of course, it is.

Unopened packets of reserve sailboat fuel.
During a parade of the Three Wise man...what could he have seen?

In the comment section, it was explained that the guy saw what this gorilla is eating.
Or if that doesn't work...
I just think the Wiseman's edibles just kicked in.
I missed my calling. I should have worked on movies.
Pilot's dashboard?
He ought to have this gearshift...


There was once a cartoon about a man drinking dog semen. Huh.
"Have you seen my dog?"

"Yeah, and he looked a little suicidal."
Speaking of suicidal...

This Mesmerizing Underwater Blob Is Actually a Huge, Rare Mass of Squid Eggs

I would have loved to have seen the man present that idea to his superiors for the first time.
By the way, I researched that and it's true.
To each his own, I guess.
Speaking of daytime whiskey...
I think the reason the men don't want the women around is to hide all the silly shit they do when they are with the guys.
But there are ideas out there that should be explored.

This is the map of China they use in China.

It included the dozens of illegal man-made islands they claim as part of their territorial waters.

If you drink the make-believe blood of a dead guy you have no right to scoff.
This is a wallpaper "mural".

Instantly I noticed the repetitive pattern and I hate repetitive patterns like that.
My chemist friend was arguing with a woman on a Facebook page and she terminated the discussion with "Well, that's what I would expect from a Baby Boomer." He's thirty.

Sarychev Volcano Erupting From International Space Station
The same science that puts and keeps that magnificent machine in space tells you that disastrous climate change is a fact and many people don't believe them. Go figure.
From the comment section:
"Well, are you going to show us the secret room you monster?!"
After exhaustive research I have more:
I am still amazed by those.

That's how my wife got me. She just stayed naked as often as was feasible.
And people still think they won't get addicted. Still. Against overwhelming evidence to the contray.

During a parade of the Three Wise man...what could he have seen?

In the comment section, it was explained that the guy saw what this gorilla is eating.
Or if that doesn't work...
I just think the Wiseman's edibles just kicked in.
I missed my calling. I should have worked on movies.
Pilot's dashboard?
He ought to have this gearshift...


There was once a cartoon about a man drinking dog semen. Huh.
"Have you seen my dog?"

"Yeah, and he looked a little suicidal."
Speaking of suicidal...

This Mesmerizing Underwater Blob Is Actually a Huge, Rare Mass of Squid Eggs

So, where's her other shoe?
Me: (Stands up)
Wife: While you're up...
I would have loved to have seen the man present that idea to his superiors for the first time.
By the way, I researched that and it's true.
To each his own, I guess.
Speaking of daytime whiskey...
Historical day for Iranian women!
Iranian women were allowed into a special section of the Azadi Stadium in Tehran for the first time since 1981!
Hopefully, this will give them more energy to push for an end of the gender apartheid by the regime.I think the reason the men don't want the women around is to hide all the silly shit they do when they are with the guys.
But there are ideas out there that should be explored.

This is the map of China they use in China.

It included the dozens of illegal man-made islands they claim as part of their territorial waters.

If you drink the make-believe blood of a dead guy you have no right to scoff.
This is a wallpaper "mural".

Instantly I noticed the repetitive pattern and I hate repetitive patterns like that.
My chemist friend was arguing with a woman on a Facebook page and she terminated the discussion with "Well, that's what I would expect from a Baby Boomer." He's thirty.

Why is it when things are going well we say everything is “peachy”? What elevated the peach above all other fruits to define itself as all that is good? What did it do to deserve such an accolade?
Sarychev Volcano Erupting From International Space Station
The same science that puts and keeps that magnificent machine in space tells you that disastrous climate change is a fact and many people don't believe them. Go figure.
We all recognize the talent of the stars...
But I appreciate the work of the costume, lighting, and sound directors also. All of them were world-class making this scene.
From my favorite image site:
"A hidden staircase leading to a secret room inside this 19th Century Victorian home."
From the comment section:
"Well, are you going to show us the secret room you monster?!"
After exhaustive research I have more:
I am still amazed by those.
A tip to you gentlemen...
If you expect to have sex on your next camping trip, tell your partner that is what you expect BEFORE you pack the car.
Does that smirk look like it was grown by accident?
Went to Walmart to buy some tiki torches for my patio. Clerk winked at me and said, "See you at the book burning."

Being old means you can tell anybody anything knowing they just don't give a shit.

No cat he.
sound on
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