One Of My Very Own
The differences between these two men.
Need a laugh? Watch this with sound:
The differences between these two men.
Need a laugh? Watch this with sound:
Full-contact surfing. What fun!
Watch the person on the left.
Watch the person on the left.
"Duck, duck, goose."

To hear her whine pathetically,
"Oh my god it's broken" CLICK HERE
One lucky sumbitch!

That reminds me of the time a woman gave me a birthday card filled with glitter and when I opened it she slapped the bottom and it took me an hour to get the particles of glitter out of my eyes.
You have got to watch this and you have got to watch it with the sound on to hear this big motherfucker squeal like a snakebit little girl.
A black security guard at Madison West High School in Madison, Wisconsin, asked a student—also black—to stop calling him the n-word. The school fired the security guard, citing its zero-tolerance policy on racial slurs.
"Please don't call me a nigger."
"You're fired."
Gentleman gives a fake name to the police even though his real name is tattooed on his neck.

"Duck, duck, goose."

To hear her whine pathetically,
"Oh my god it's broken" CLICK HERE
One lucky sumbitch!

That reminds me of the time a woman gave me a birthday card filled with glitter and when I opened it she slapped the bottom and it took me an hour to get the particles of glitter out of my eyes.
You have got to watch this and you have got to watch it with the sound on to hear this big motherfucker squeal like a snakebit little girl.
A black security guard at Madison West High School in Madison, Wisconsin, asked a student—also black—to stop calling him the n-word. The school fired the security guard, citing its zero-tolerance policy on racial slurs.
"Please don't call me a nigger."
"You're fired."
Gentleman gives a fake name to the police even though his real name is tattooed on his neck.

It's weird that people think the moral of The Pied Piper is 'Don't trust strangers" when really it's 'Always pay freelancers.'
The Aerocoach Peacemaker II, A triple-decker lovechild with a 1955 GMC Scenicruiser on top of a 1949 Aerocoach.
It looks a little high to make it under all the bridges. I would say five feet taller than a semi.
Of course, it doesn't matter. On any flag pole, it faces "backward" to half the people at any given time.
I think there is something about all clocks being set at 11:11 in movies.
The blob is a real thing and slightly terrifying.
You really need to watch this.
480 million-year-old conga line of arthropods
The first evidence that they did anything social.
Love they neighbor my ass.


I'm assuming that is an air freshener jerry-rigged to stink.

I'm not sure why only part of the building was upgraded but it's the perfect segue.

Wikipedia built the modern Library of Alexandria using nothing but nerds' need to correct each other.
That's scary.

I'm thinking you could use the ramp to offload a truck.
Me: Beautiful dog you got there.
Cop: This is Diesel. He's our drug-sniffing dog.
Me: Still in training, huh?
Cop: What?
Me: What?
I'm thinking he just won a bet.
4 generations of smiling

Each generation got taller. I credit a higher protein diet.
"Well, it won't do me any good, now will it, nurse?"
Belarus is potato country.

It was stated that his tattoo was "so good" that his face swap app picked it out. I disagree.
Another great segue.

The name ‘Chad’ has a lotta range, it’s either the whitest name on the planet or a country in Africa. There’s no town in Sweden called “Deontay.’
I read a study about the time you spent greeting various people you see daily. The higher the status the more of your time was allotted. But more interesting was the make-up time to give someone who you haven't seen in a few days. I was amused when I did just that at my school. There was a janitor who I "owed" a sentence or two each morning, but when he was away three days I tripled my time of greeting to "catch up" as it were.
Bob Dylan high during 'We are the world' recording.
1 comment:
Don't get on that bus! The Twelve Tribes Community is what they are called. they Can often be seen/found with the bus outside of Grateful Dead offshoot band concerts. Odd group of folks with some genuine horror stories of some "spun out" (see: drugged) concert-goers ending up on that bus after the show only to wake up a their cult compound. Just type "Twelve Tribes grateful dead" into google. Hours of reading material.
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