One Of My Very Own
I believe in the "Due Factor." That involves a team who hasn't...or has always...done something. Most people's money will go to the guy who has been consistent, but San Francisco hasn't been beaten all year in the NFL and I say this is the weekend for them to suffer their first defeat...despite being a 6 point favorite.
We shall see what we see.
I believe in the "Due Factor." That involves a team who hasn't...or has always...done something. Most people's money will go to the guy who has been consistent, but San Francisco hasn't been beaten all year in the NFL and I say this is the weekend for them to suffer their first defeat...despite being a 6 point favorite.
We shall see what we see.
Illustration from 1933
Nothing can harm this country by making higher education MORE burdensome instead of LESS. We need all the smart people we can get. One stat tells why: China has more honor students than the US has students.
Making higher education more difficult is how you lose your culture.
Making higher education more difficult is how you lose your culture.
Augmented Roman was one of the periodic attempts to improve and rationalize the English alphabet.
Introduced in the 1960s by Sir James Pitman, the idea was to expand the alphabet from 26 letters to 43 and to have each letter represent a single, distinct sound. Unlike the current alphabet in which letters can have different sounds depending on the context.
Proponents of Augmented Roman imagined teaching children to read using this improved alphabet, and then having the kids switch over to the standard alphabet later. And that's where the plan ran aground because most people figured that if kids have to learn the standard alphabet anyway, just teach them that from the beginning.
My chemist friend was hit in an intersection by a man who ran the red light. The cop who arrived agreed. The two witnesses agreed. Yet when he got to court it was all called hearsay. And get this, all my friend wanted was for the guy's insurance company to pay for his totaled car.
Look at this woman's face again. I have posted it before but it is too powerful to ignore.
People who complain about modern times being tough, forget that their grandfathers and great-grandfathers died by the tens of millions in foreign wars.
I'm not much for conspiracies but that whole thing stinks. And what about his little black book with the list of his powerful clients.
Me: My cup runneth over...
Sperm bank receptionist: Please take that off the counter.
Sperm bank receptionist: Please take that off the counter.

Did you notice how close he held the flaming tip got to his head?
"Hold my beer...literally."
"Here's your beer back."
That looks like fun.
Local military police of the Brazilian state Pará uses buffalos to patrol because they can outrun criminals in rivers and swamps.
Another nice segue and I like nice segues.

[Outside liquor store]
Underage kid: Hey mister, can you buy me some beer?
Me: Sure, if you show me how to load MP4s on Blogspot I’ll buy you black tar heroin.


Here's the normal behavior of a wild animal seeing his reflection for the first time.
This bad boy just chills.

Let me sing you the song of my people.
- Toad probably
Little fucker stands his ground...

The First Dog Burials
Dogs first appeared in the record about 33,000 years ago. Dog burials appear sometime around 14,000 years ago but this is likely not the earliest instance. You can watch this TedEd for more info on this:

Rectal Grease went and complained to HR and now we can't use nicknames at work anymore.
The staff gives no fucks.

They look so calm because thhe staff sees shit like that a dozen times a night.

When you mako a stupid typo in your post title...


I always think of that image when I do something really stupid.


I place the incompetence squarely on his hairstylist...who his wife trusted.

I think we have spotted the handiwork of the new guy on the crew.

How in the name of Nikola Tesla do you not know how to fill up your car?!? And if it is possible that it's her first time wouldn't any normal person watch the guy at the next pump do it to learn how?
I mean, I know how to do sex but I still watch tons of tutorials.

Me: I’m so happy we are the first married astronauts to land on the moon.
Wife: Pass me the rock sample bags.
Me: I thought you brought them.
How to light a cigarette with an atomic bomb.

Comment: "There have been several inspiring examples of travelers who have struck out across the Australian desert under electric power."

Studies have shown that the stronger the evidence against your position the harder stupid people become entrenched. Maybe mockery will work...or fucking LAWS THAT WILL PROTECT THE WHOLE SPECIES!!!
Maybe they will use them in history books when we are all living in caves.
Think of how many lives have been saved by timely notification of severe weather events.
The Boys at Bosstown Dynamics are at it again.
Note the spelling.

Don’t even THINK about “honey”ing up to me if you’ve shrunk the goddamn kids!

That is a lemon...and severe lack of adequate dental care.

The first cooking instruction on every frozen dinner should be Audibly Sigh.




I don't know who needs to hear this but rocks don't have magical powers.


Advertising and Marketing Blunders
And let's not forget the giant paper conglomerate selecting a family of bears who can whip their own asses as their spokesman.
Automotive Mishaps
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