One Of My Very Own
Tesla Cyberpunk Pickup
Look at that tailgate!!
It comes with optional gear.

And yes, I did know it failed a test...once.
Many people hate the design. I'm an artist and I LOVE it. And I'm sick and fucking tired of this shit.
One guy did make a brilliant comparison.
And another this...
People make comparisons to older designs as if this is a bad thing.
Logicar 1985 Jacob Jensen
But we weren't ready for a radical design 35 years ago.
But by god we are now!
Tesla Cyberpunk Pickup
Look at that tailgate!!
It comes with optional gear.

And yes, I did know it failed a test...once.
Many people hate the design. I'm an artist and I LOVE it. And I'm sick and fucking tired of this shit.
One guy did make a brilliant comparison.
And another this...
People make comparisons to older designs as if this is a bad thing.
Logicar 1985 Jacob Jensen
But we weren't ready for a radical design 35 years ago.
But by god we are now!
Devotees run over by dozens of cows.

You little shit.
44mag kills you twice

This is what that was titled.
My favorite phrase.


The earliest recorded named cat lived over 3000 years ago in Egypt and was called 'nedjem' which means sweetie.
I'm not obsessed about it but I don't like taking a bite of all bread.
Having worked in a grocery store I know the 'face the shelves.' That means the old cans are brought to the front and the new cans go behind them.
At a ripe old age of 90, actor, rancher, and dad Bob Norris, the original Marlboro man, passed away this week at his Colorado Springs ranch. For 12 years, he played the role of a smoking cowboy on billboards, TV, and pages of magazines. But he never actually smoked cigarettes.
RH: My wife and I's aim is to stop smoking on January 1. Being too poor to afford them is highly motivating.
I'm a son of the South through and through, but I'm not proud of the carnage caused by a relatively few powerful landowners.
I really sick and tired of having rich people buying votes.
Speaking of...

Every fucking day.
I never knew you could drag the little body like that.
It was stated that they can take very important measurements using that phenomenon.
Hours of daylight as a function of day of the year and latitude.

That's amazing.

While the global average fertility rate was still above the rate of replacement—technically 2.1 children per woman—in 2017, about half of all countries had already fallen below it, up from 1 in 20 just half a century ago. For places such as the U.S. and parts of Western Europe, which historically are attractive to migrants, loosening immigration policies could make up for low birthrates. In other places, more drastic policy interventions may be called for. Most of the available options place a high burden on women, who’ll be relied upon not only to bear children but also to help fill widening gaps in the workforce.
A new study finds that invasive grass species make wildfires more frequent in much of the United States. There are 12 non-native species that act as “little arsonist grasses.” Wherever the common Mediterranean grass invades, including California’s southern desert, fires flare up three times more often. And cheatgrass, which covers about one-third of the Intermountain West region of the U.S., is a big-time fire promoter.
And Australia is also burning...
The fish, also known as pirarucu, gets up to 10 feet long and weighs up to 440 pounds. Arapaima, a fish that can breathe air and survive up to a day outside of the water, inhabits rivers in Brazil, Guyana, and Peru infested with piranhas, known for razor-sharp teeth, incredible bite strength and deadly feeding frenzies.
“It is true that the natural armor is similar to artificial body armor because of the similar scale overlapping system. However, the natural armor such as these fish scales is tough and much lighter, without impeding body flexibility and locomotion,” Yang added. “Remember that the fish scales were developed through hundreds of millions of years. They are very advanced.”

"Scientists at Oxford and Fudan University in China have developed a way to make fake rhino horns from horsehair. They hope these phony horns will be used to "confuse the trade," and make poaching less lucrative."
But if it all the placebo effect then the fake will work just as well as the real one.
I'm not certain but it looks like a historical facade is being protected while a replacement building is constructed.
The evolution of the moon.


A facial-recognition confounding "Opt-Out Cap".
When you lift it up, three images of a face swing down.
And it will foil the recognition system.
This scene still needs an explanation 39 years later.



I wonder how many people will get that.



Good god! Did those admen not have wives and daughters?




I really sick and tired of having rich people buying votes.
Speaking of...
Most countries are getting more and more unequal. But the core of democracy is political equality: that everyone should have an equal say in how their country is run. Can we really expect these things to go together? Can people have equal political power while economic inequality grows and grows?

I made that exact observation in the 70s and incorporated it in my art by crating up various objects that could prove useful if we all had to start over.
I have taken hundreds of photographs like this one.
I used them to make paintings but they weren't all that good.
I wonder if we will ever find out what Putin has on Trump.
My prediction is that as soon as Trump figures out he can't win the 2020 election he will resign.
And the world sits back and watches the clown show with mouths agape.
Every fucking day.
They just don't get it. We grow our own because of the taste. There is no comparison between a homegrown and a store-bought tomato.
Them: What was cool when you were young but isn't cool now?
Me: The Earth.
I never knew you could drag the little body like that.
It was stated that they can take very important measurements using that phenomenon.
Hours of daylight as a function of day of the year and latitude.

That's amazing.

While the global average fertility rate was still above the rate of replacement—technically 2.1 children per woman—in 2017, about half of all countries had already fallen below it, up from 1 in 20 just half a century ago. For places such as the U.S. and parts of Western Europe, which historically are attractive to migrants, loosening immigration policies could make up for low birthrates. In other places, more drastic policy interventions may be called for. Most of the available options place a high burden on women, who’ll be relied upon not only to bear children but also to help fill widening gaps in the workforce.
A new study finds that invasive grass species make wildfires more frequent in much of the United States. There are 12 non-native species that act as “little arsonist grasses.” Wherever the common Mediterranean grass invades, including California’s southern desert, fires flare up three times more often. And cheatgrass, which covers about one-third of the Intermountain West region of the U.S., is a big-time fire promoter.
And Australia is also burning...
The fish, also known as pirarucu, gets up to 10 feet long and weighs up to 440 pounds. Arapaima, a fish that can breathe air and survive up to a day outside of the water, inhabits rivers in Brazil, Guyana, and Peru infested with piranhas, known for razor-sharp teeth, incredible bite strength and deadly feeding frenzies.
“It is true that the natural armor is similar to artificial body armor because of the similar scale overlapping system. However, the natural armor such as these fish scales is tough and much lighter, without impeding body flexibility and locomotion,” Yang added. “Remember that the fish scales were developed through hundreds of millions of years. They are very advanced.”

"Scientists at Oxford and Fudan University in China have developed a way to make fake rhino horns from horsehair. They hope these phony horns will be used to "confuse the trade," and make poaching less lucrative."
But if it all the placebo effect then the fake will work just as well as the real one.
I'm not certain but it looks like a historical facade is being protected while a replacement building is constructed.
The evolution of the moon.


I wish Medusa would stop objectifying people.
A facial-recognition confounding "Opt-Out Cap".
When you lift it up, three images of a face swing down.
And it will foil the recognition system.
This scene still needs an explanation 39 years later.

An eerie photo of washed gloves. ^^D3^^


I wonder how many people will get that.

It actually sold for more than $4 million — $4,338,500, to be exact. It was taken by Andreas Gursky who titled it “Rhine II” because it shows a scene along the Rhine River. Its sale in 2011 made it (at the time) the most expensive photo in the world. The price tag astounded many people since it kinda looks like a photo any amateur could and would take. Florence Waters, an art critic for the Daily Telegraph, offered this defense of it:

Good god! Did those admen not have wives and daughters?

Any action being punishable by a fine basically means it's legal for rich people.


What a weird tradition.
watch just about any TED talk on YouTube by Hans Rosling for a more compete understanding that has zero political agenda.
I really sick and tired of having rich people buying votes." or you can buy votes with more "free stuff" taken for my tax $. Is one better than the other?
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