One Of My Very Own

"This dick for brains is our Prime Minister. He stated recently that the cause of the fires wasn’t coal or global warming, but the fault of the green political party."

2% of Australians live in the yellow area. Now, below is a map of the bushfires. See the problem?


"This dick for brains is our Prime Minister. He stated recently that the cause of the fires wasn’t coal or global warming, but the fault of the green political party."

2% of Australians live in the yellow area. Now, below is a map of the bushfires. See the problem?

By Cristiana Montis
His ex?
And as is unusual a few photographs.
I for one absolutely hate and can't stand it when the crab next to me in this bucket full of crabs (I too am a crab) climbs over me when I am trying to in fact climb over THEM.

Most with more red flags than a Communist parade.
Well, there goes that perfect nose.
I've been told that if she stuck that piece in the ground a whole cactus plant will grow from it.
Amazing Inside Bus Footage

I chased a skunk...once. My friend's mom made us strip in the backyard, bathe with a garden hose, then soak our clothes in a #2 washtub.
What Happens Next?
A. He is eaten by a fish,
B. Frightened by an alligator.
C. Pushed in the water by a drunk friend.
D. A gull swoops down and grabs the fish...then he falls in the water.
A. He is eaten by a fish
Malfunction Wave Created A Tsunami In China Water Park

How do you get insurance on such a thing?

I bet that was a helluva party...while it lasted.
The Instructions Were Not Clear
"Your yoga makes me sick, Karen."

“Can you move it? Then it’s not broken. Go play.”
- Dad Medicine 101
That bastard!
How Earth's orbit around the Sun actually looks like if the Sun's movement is considered.
Europe's CHEOPS planet-hunting space telescope left Earth on Wednesday and moved into orbit, a day after its lift-off was delayed by a technical rocket glitch during the final countdown.
The telescope will measure the density, composition, and size of planets beyond our Solar System - known as exoplanets.
I think whether you hate it or love it says a lot about how you deal with change. I absolutely love it, but I, of course, embrace change as not only inevitable but necessary for growth.
That is a Goliath Bird-eating Spider, a tarantula that climbs trees, finds bird nests and flips upside down inside them, then waits for the bird to come back.

And imagine the last thing going through that bird's mind.

In this day and age, all Americans can relate.
This is a world heatmap of today. Notice Australia? 47+ degrees forecast in some towns.

Very interesting read. But I was told by someone who knows that you can clean your children's hands as much as you want and the moment he/she takes off their shoes it is all for naught - the shoes that stepped in dog shit, human shit, bird shit, dog vomit, human vomit, human spit, etc, etc, etc.

Movie supervillains always have wild origins stories like "Fell into radioactive goo" or "Possessed by alien" when a more realistic and gritty one would be "Attended Harvard."
There are two kinds of delivery drivers...
And as kismet would have it, I received this from a loyal reader who works for UPS.

But there are also two kinds of customer...
Interesting Bowling Technique
I bet the bowling alley people love her.

Yes, I am thinking exactly what you are thinking.

The Bear Hair Shirt
^^D7^^They Said I Could Be Anything.
Gum Commercial In Japan
Oh, my.
Rule 39 self-starter...
George Bernard Shaw
C3- Pretty sure that’s an imposter. Look at the wheel wells
Thanks for ooohs and ahhhs and the laughs.
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