One Of My Very Own
Mallacoota, Australia fires - 4,000 thousand people trapped.
Mallacoota is a small town in the East Gippsland region of Victoria, Australia. It’s residents have been evacuated to a wharf as the fire approaches. If the fire front reaches them, their only option is to swim into the ocean.
What a way to start a new decade.
Movie countdowns that I really liked.
Mallacoota, Australia fires - 4,000 thousand people trapped.
Mallacoota is a small town in the East Gippsland region of Victoria, Australia. It’s residents have been evacuated to a wharf as the fire approaches. If the fire front reaches them, their only option is to swim into the ocean.
What a way to start a new decade.
Movie countdowns that I really liked.

[verification needed]






As I understand it, he is not attached to the truck. It's called drafting and it involves the way the air eddies around the rear of the vehicle.
Goaltender Goal FIN vs. SWE


But someone whom I jerked off to in Playboy in the mid-1990s had an autistic kid and now says vaccines cause autism! Who do I trust!?!

And so have I.
Gentle Readers, I am greeted with that smile first thing in the morning and the last thing at night.
My aunt dropped by unexpectedly and when she knocked on the door, instead of barking, my dog tried to jump in the lit fireplace and I’ve never felt so on the same level as anything ever.
What could possibly be going through that thing's mind right now?
I almost put that in my PSA section. Never position yourself in a trucker's blind spot.

The longer version with sound:

My question is why didn't the tattoo artist point out the error?
If either of these were on my morning commute I would have to stop and fix them.

I would fix this one with markers.

Man: I’ll have the steak
Waiter: And, for your side?
M: Oh, no, not tonight. This is my wife with me.
Waiter: And, for your side?
M: Oh, no, not tonight. This is my wife with me.
Sea Turtle hanging out with lots and lots of sharks.
I'm thinking the sharks are far too distracted with mating to think about eating.
I lost my virginity in an Aspen grove.
In 1971, Soviet geologists discovered an underground gas accumulation near the village of Darvaza. Then they drilled a small well - all the equipment fell into the hole that formed. To prevent harmful gases from escaping, scientists decided to set fire to the bottom of the crater ... And it still burns.
Gas crater in Turkmenistan.
Locals and travelers call it the “Door to the Underworld,” or “The Gates of Hell.” It is located 90 km from the village of Yerbent in the Dashoguz province. The diameter of the crater is approximately 60 meters, the depth is about 20 meters.
Do you think the mouse is making mouse voice noises or did the fox hear it digging?
Most of these are dead on.
What do you suppose that means?
The whole basis for Dada.
All hail Allison.
The An-225 is the largest aircraft ever built.
Look at the difference in the size of its engines and the airliners'. The AN-225 engines look as large as the body of the other planes.
I posted this recently and nobody told me it was from a movie.
Come one, guys, I need all the help I can get.
Memes are my life...

Speaking of memes...
Those who know, know...
I lost my virginity in an Aspen grove.
In 1971, Soviet geologists discovered an underground gas accumulation near the village of Darvaza. Then they drilled a small well - all the equipment fell into the hole that formed. To prevent harmful gases from escaping, scientists decided to set fire to the bottom of the crater ... And it still burns.
Gas crater in Turkmenistan.
Locals and travelers call it the “Door to the Underworld,” or “The Gates of Hell.” It is located 90 km from the village of Yerbent in the Dashoguz province. The diameter of the crater is approximately 60 meters, the depth is about 20 meters.
Do you think the mouse is making mouse voice noises or did the fox hear it digging?
Most of these are dead on.
What do you suppose that means?

The whole basis for Dada.
All hail Allison.
You can confuse and ultimately disappoint a lot of people if your trick or treating costume is “pizza delivery man.”
The An-225 is the largest aircraft ever built.
Look at the difference in the size of its engines and the airliners'. The AN-225 engines look as large as the body of the other planes.
I'm going to credit that with the use of a very long camera lens.
I posted this recently and nobody told me it was from a movie.
Come one, guys, I need all the help I can get.
Memes are my life...

Speaking of memes...
Those who know, know...
China has made this now...
Break it down in quadrants.
[verification needed]
Puzzle time: positioned vertically under horizontal elephant in top left .
Puzzle solution , top left quadrant, near the center , the whale is pointing towards the top.
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