About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, February 1, 2020


One Of My Very Own








[verification needed] 



If that sign was deemed necessary I would take the stairs...or better yet cancel my appointment.



It was a hell of a night...




Rock bottom will teach you lessons that mountain tops never will.



A repost that seems appropriate now.
 In the first recorded instance of fire being used by animals other than humans, three Australian birds of prey species have been seen carrying burning twigs to set new blazes.

Putting the medal clamp of the strap on the corner is a fuckup. 

I always assumed they bent them on site.

What a wonderful idea. 

Long-term exposure to high temperatures, even in their dessicated state (having had all moisture removed). The population hit a 50 percent mortality rate after spending 24 hours in just 98 degrees Fahrenheit; they'd probably be in a bit of a pickle in Australia.
Dessicated tardigrades were able to withstand much higher temperatures; a 50 percent mortality rate after 24 hours was observed at 145°F. 

That looks like a task a couple of humans could do just as fast.

Police shots tear gas into an apartment of someone filming the protests in France.

People are taking to the street all over the world, but not America. Here our young people have been thoroughly convinced of their powerlessness.

They are even protesting in Iran!



Reverse Werewolf: It's when you turn into the moon when you see a wolf.



Enjoying his last few pain-free seconds before a half a pound of his flesh is abraded away by the asphalt.


Would someone care to explain that to me real slow, step by step? 

TV producer probably.

Anything is an art tool if you use it properly.




Fatherless but fine.





I tried to wash my truck with a pressure washer and blew all the pinstriping off. That thing looks like it could blow off all the trim that is just glued on.

When my girlfriend - the Italian Consul's daughter - had menstrual cramps the only thing that would ease her discomfort was intercourse. I swear.


Ever since the check bounced I don't accept anything by cash Christmas cards from my daughters.




I'm going to guess that this is one wealthy tribesman.



I'm assuming there were other pets in the house and the tortoise ate theirs. But how did it remain unseen? I will further assume that they live in a very cluttered pigsty. And no one noticed 30 years of tortoise shit?



All religions share one thing: Heresy. Really old heresy.




Brazillian photographer Angélica Dass captures the world's skin tones in her project 'Humanae.' She takes an 11x11 pixel section of the nose to match the tone to its corresponding Pantone shade.

Many more here: 
^^ E 1-20^^














Scott James said...

Puzzle time - Well, a maid might spill wine while clearing the table. A maid might cut a finger while doing dishes. But, since when does a maid do painting? I say that the killer is the maid who said she was painting.

Anonymous said...

My favorite (although I enjoyed all of today's posts):
We won't fight another rich man's war".
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I'd say its the maid who was painting. Wouldn't the paint be on just one hand?
Also, wouldn't she wipe her hands on her apron if she got paint on them, not her cuffs?

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