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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, March 23, 2020

MONDAY #4106

One Of My Very Own


Don't think about what you don't have. 
Think about what you do have. 

My wife and I are in a very good position to weather this storm. 

I will state, as a matter of fact, quitting smoking and a global pandemic that requires me to shelter in place are not compatible. The pandemic has won this one - hands down.
I visualize a lurking monster lurking outside my house.
A lurking monster for which I have no defense.

Is there any data as to whether you can be suffering from allergies, have the seasonal flu, have a common cold, and...AND have Covid-19 at the SAME TIME?!?! That is a serious question.



All over the world nature is coming back fast...



I have no faith in the government in dealing with this crisis.
And apparently, I'm not alone...
Why don't? It's called thinking outside the box and I think we need a lot of it right now.
 They are not planning to test patients who have the symptoms but are otherwise healthy enough to be sent home to self-quarantine — meaning they may never show up in official tallies of people who tested positive.

The governor of New York said that if you take a test and test positive you will be told to go home and isolate. There will no treatment at all until you are in critical condition.
 One of the smartest men on the planet responds to something stupid Trump said...
I'd like to give a shout out to Dr. Fouci for being a guiding light of reason in this total cluster fuck of a shitshow. 
And in case you thought he was laughing at someone else...
Trump seems incapable of simply saying "I don't know." 
If he doesn't know the answer he just makes something up. Remember all the millions of test kits that he told us over and over again would be delivered "the next day"? 

While everybody is distracted with Corona can we switch to the metric system, please?


 China's coronavirus recovery is 'all fake,' whistleblowers and residents claim
But civil servants tell Caixan that businesses are actually faking these numbers. Beijing had started checking Zhejiang businesses' electricity consumption levels, so district officials ordered the companies to start leaving their lights and machinery on all day to drive the numbers up, one civil servant said. Businesses have reportedly falsified staff attendance logs as well — they "would rather waste a small amount of money on power than irritate local officials," Caixan writes.
In Wuhan, officials have tried to make it appear that recovery efforts are going smoothly. But when "central leaders" personally survey disinfecting regimens and food delivery, local officials "make a special effort" for them and them alone, one resident told Caixan. And in a video circulating on social media, residents can be seen shouting at visiting leaders from the apartments where they're being quarantined — "Fake, it's all fake."




Maybe we need this kind of war posters.

The biggest mistake so far was telling young people that this was only a problem for old people.

My wife went for a drive yesterday and found many groups of people going about their activities as if these were normal times. Here's a dance competition at a local fountain.
 A cop is talking to one of the organizers but he didn't seem to be actively trying to break it up.
Here's what other countries do.
The government of Argentina established a quarantine and the police went to arrest the people in parks.

Let's take a second and appreciate the camera man's work here.
All the people who went to celebrate spring break.


The government has decided to return some of money to us.
Here's what SNL has to say about it. 





However, I told my financial advisor to get me out of anything to do with the stock market in January. That had nothing to do with the virus, but rather the fact that it had gotten too big too quick and it was time for the bubble to burst.
Bill Gates on the next epidemic... 5 years ago.

Smart man.



This is my hero.
A man who never forgot how to think like a child.


Note man on a treadmill.








I think this one is just too busy.

Most murals are seen in transit, meaning you have only seconds to take it in.

The flight attendant asked the people in the emergency row if they're capable and willing to operate the emergency exit]
Passengers: Yes





Moonset from space

Dry Iced: Three people die at a Russian party where dry ice was poured into a pool.
A bucket of dry ice (frozen carbon dioxide) was poured into a swimming pool to create a fog effect or to help people there cool off. Instead, people were suffocated by the gas.
The party was celebrating a Russian Instagram "influencer". 

Surfing machine

Kind of like Air Hockey.

I forgot the source link. 


Does it really count as intact if someone stole the pyramid?

They had a clip of a guy translating that and it sounded exactly like Donald Trump...he was the most powerful, most beloved, greatest, most victorious, a stable genius, and all-around nice guy.


"Do you have any addictions or habits that we should know about?"
*takes a long drag from cigarette*

Not that I'm aware of.




If you are careful you can do that more than once.

Boxty: Irish potato pancakes.

My mother would always mash more potatoes than we were going to get then have them to make those. We didn't call them Boxty cakes - we called them potato pancakes. But you must cook them in bacon grease or you might as well put that spatula away.

That is what we call corporate welfare and I don't understand why it's not called Socialist. 

Property Tax funding of public education guarantees that rich kids are better educated than poor kids.

If you have any suicidal thoughts please find someone who survived an attempt and have a chat with them. Please.

 There is nothing to be ashamed of.


 Another good piece of advice.

Why? Life is hard for everyone. I had a very rich man tell me that the only difference between a rich man and a poor man was that when the shit hit the fan the rich man was better dressed.
His son had just died of Aids.

Remember when we liked for children to get hit in the head with wooden ladders so they would build up a tolerance to pain?


Cub with her mama
That is a "Don't even think about it" look if I've ever seen one.

Protecting the young is a species imperative. So, then why do we humans have so much of this behavior?


My wife was a habitual flasher to me.  She still does but only in our home or driveway.

"Remember: the problem is not corruption or greed. The problem is the system that pushes you to give up."
I did not write that but it needed to be said. 

How I wrote "I changed a light bulb" on my resume.


Remember when the TV was predicted to be the downfall of civilizaion?

That thing I just wrote about the rich man and the poor man...I forgot about this.

A dream without a plan is just a wish.


god: why should I let u into heaven
me: for starters, I didn’t invent heroin
god: what
me: I also didn’t invent wars, racism, poverty, cancer...
god: ok I get it

me: mosquitoes




Who the fuck lets a toddler ride that close to that massive machine?!?

Karen levels up...
She won't stand a chance in this year's Anal Bead Tug-a-War. 


Iron Maiden? 

What the fuck is she pretending to be?


Rise and shine!


From the series Hunters.


Most Brands: Sandals and flip flops should cost a normal amount, between $10-$30
Gucci: What about $200?

Old Navy: Give us some loose change. What’s that, a button? Fine.




"Come a lil closer.. .I’ve got a secret to tell ya..."


That's an excavator landing right next to him, dude was feet from death.


Those look like they are firing blanks for a demonstration, but the concussion alone should have killed that bird. 

 Not sure if road rage, or an attempt to stop a driver who is trying to hit and run.

"Lithium-ion batteries are unstable and if they get even slightly damaged or worn down, they do this."

I'm thinking it's a vape stick that was altered by the customer a common cause of such mishaps. 

Daughter: Alexa play Let it Go.
Me: When I was your age I had to call the radio station, wait on hold for 30 mins to request a song, then sit by my boom box for an hour with a blank cassette tape for my song to play so I could record it.

Daughter: I don’t know what that means.





 Speaking of...
Desperate times indeed...
Mug on camera dressed as a plague doctor...but keep your distance.
Ukrainian military fights COVID the old-fashioned way.

Laura Ingraham wants to speak to Covid-19's manager.

When Coronavirus strikes but you were diagnosed with stupid a long time ago.



Drinking too much is always a reliable fall back activity.

You can't let New York sober up it would be catastrophic.

You could learn a new skill.
You could post a video of your pet that you dressed up in a silly costume.
No one came to my social distancing barbecue.

I'm so proud.
Take up a new hobby.
You could invent something to assure social distancing...
You could spend quality time with your children.
You could train your cats.
Week Two of quarantine












Kranky Old Guy said...

You said:
"I'd like to give a shout out to Dr. Fouci for being a guiding light of reason in this total cluster fuck of a shitshow."

Really? You need to do better and more realistic research:


Ralph Henry said...

So, you think H1N1 required the same response as Covid-19? Have you seen the military hauling away corpses in Italy? That never happened with H1N1.

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