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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, March 30, 2020



 The Spanish flu was aerosolized. In under a year, it took the lives of 33 million. It too, much like Covid-19, was a virus that attacked the respiratory system.
Mr. Gates went on about how mobilizing thousands of healthcare professionals was almost impossible, even with the entire world involved. But we needed much more. We needed a plan much like we do today. We need more than a gaggle of epidemiologists and some research. We need a team. A global effort. 
The same man is warning us about climate change.
Climate Change vs Pandemic
We are woefully unprepared for both.
And that man just took the EPA out of the game.
I found a site that shows death rates.

 It's got a movable slide so you can isolate any day.


I totally agree.
Social distancing in India
 And my favorite...
Been working all over the state and people are just out and about walking around town, getting as close as they can to talk to people. I’ve had customers try and walk up to the mail truck to talk to me and I’ve had to tell them to please step away. Our governor Shit Reeves believes in praying more than doing anything. Coworkers of mine are saying this is being blown out of proportion and they can’t wait for this to be over in 2 weeks. This state is doomed.
South Carolina Republican governor is trying to use his authority to lift the staythefuckathome orders of mayors all over the state. 
"Nearly 1.5 million N95 respirator masks are sitting in a U.S. government warehouse in Indiana and authorities have not shipped them because they are past their expiration date, despite CDC guidelines that have been issued for their safe use during the coronavirus outbreak.
DHS officials decided to offer the respirators to the Transportation Security Administration...
'CBP has no plans to offer the masks to hard-hit hospitals, or hand them over to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, three of the people said.' "
Another visualization of our struggle.
If it was Covid-15 he would be cool with it.
Calls into question the accuracy of COVID-19 diagnostic tools. 


Where do people come up with such idiocy?
 I guess when you look at it that way 9/11 was also no big deal.

This quote will follow him into the history books.
Trump blames all his woes on something Obama did or did not do and even if he's right he has had THREE FUCKING YEARS to set things right and didn't. 

Again, we are all Buzz Aldrin.
Water... You mean like in the toilet?



 I don't even know who this guy is...


Print them out and fill in your own captions...or let your kids.
Reading is great...
But you may want to choose your titles carefully.
Fuck with your cat...
 This is exactly how she feels about his singing.
Some people take up drawing...
Make a sandwich creatively...
Learn the fundamentals of cooking...
Better train your fucking dog...
I'm in a really good place right now. Not emotionally or spiritually. Just in my recliner with a glass of wine.
It has been proven that forcing a smile will lighten your mood.
 Try it what do you have to lose?
How does he convince his wife he's not a serial killer after this?
Get silly, make a movie, then share it with the world...
Yes, that is who you think it is. 
The wife and I started just eating out of the pan in which we fried the food.
There is music playing.
Learn to juggle...
Try not to argue...
 Don't let this get you down. 
We are still doing great...except for working in the studio. I have a serious motivation problem. But the wife has tons of filing to do and she can't seem to find the time to do that either.
We have been eating well. We get NO exercise. Thank god for Amazon Prime and Netflix.
Trump seems to have been dragged into reality...at least for today.
I am going to suggest to my pizza restaurant that they tell the call in to-go customers that they will slide the pizza onto a large pan or oven rack and the driver will haul away the box that was touched by humans if so requested.
Stay safe, Gentle Read, and STAYTHEFUCKATHOME!


Anonymous said...

The U of Wash. death rate charts link and the 1.5mm N95 masks article are fantastic, thanks.

Could do without the political stuff though.

Ralph Henry said...

I don't really like the political stuff either but how can you write about a pandemic without covering the government's response.
Plus, I don't like getting lied to.
I will try to limit it as much as possible. Thanks for the advice.

Anonymous said...

Keep it up. People are all to willing to believe the “it’s just like the flu” bs. The constant trump stroking may not be obvious to way too many. “At the direction of the president!

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