About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020



Saudi doctor keeps his distance from his son after finishing his rounds treating COVID19. 
Indian Quarantine Enforcement

Also in India, they manufacture masks on the filth floor.

And FOX News is still telling us that CNN is using scare tactics to hurt the president. 
The reliability of China’s coronavirus numbers is under question once again in view of the staggering amount of urns being distributed out in Wuhan. According to official Chinese government data, 50,006 people were infected with the Covid-19 virus in Wuhan with 2,535 dying from the disease. However, Chinese investigative outlet Caixin reports that when mortuaries opened back up this week in the Hubei capital, people had to wait in line for as long as five hours to receive the remains of their loved ones lost during the epidemic.
If China released a statement saying the sky is blue I'd look twice just to make sure. 
And shit like that is the reason China is omitted from graphs like this:
If that doesn't load try this:


But their efforts by those among us who refuse to STAYTHEFUCKATHOME
 Well, when they tell you over and over to hope for the best but plan for the worse how are you suppose to do that without thinking about the worst-case scenario?
And with news like this, I may not ever come out of my house.


Think they took it out of context? Listen to it yourself.

If only we had a presidential candidate who’s been fighting for single-payer healthcare even before COVID. Almost like Medicare, but, you know, for all. And omg imagine if that candidate never took money from health insurance companies or big pharma.


[verification needed]


 He's a grocery, not a mathematician.
 Another hint as to what this whole Snickers reference is all about:
 During STAYTHEFUCKATHOME I have learned that my wife can be late for things even in the confines of our house.
I don't think those words in that order have ever been arranged that way before. 


A guy painted a nearly completely nude Danny DeVito drenched in hand sanitizer, crawling on the floor.
Tax payment to the bridge troll.
The Fifth Element like you never seen it before.
Throw a party...with just you...
Visit a cartoon site.
Invent games...but be careful!

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