About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, May 23, 2020


One Of My Very Own
They can't all be gems.





There are laws in some states that require you to remove the trailer hitch when it's not in use.

Wait I think she misread that one.


Too long for the inside...
 So let's just strap it on the roof...SIDEWAYS!!!
 But he was stopped by the cops a couple of miles down the road...

"Fuck social distancing." 
- All Brazilians apparently

Her face actually bounced.

Speaking of bouncing...


Nothing comes between a man and his lawn.

He must be drunk out of his mind.



How did your grandpa get dementia and forget EVERYTHING except the racism?
(they do that you know)



 And all you have to do to save all that fuel is have them stop vertically instead of horizontally.


A bridge in China started to vibrate in the wind. Authorities decided to seal off the traffic.

I will never tire of images like that. 

Why don't more airplanes have that?

My brother, the professional bass fisherman, had a pair of those and they were indeed amazing.



That's true, you know.


I once took a woman back to a hotel who was in town from Canada back when I was sweet. I kept taking her clothes off but she was wearing so many layers. After a good half hour of peeling, I finally reached the center only to find… nothing. Only the slightest scent of maple.









Growing up in Alabama we all said Cocola.  


I concur. 

[verification needed] 


That's bullshit. Remember the old song: "If you're happy and you know it"? I have met my true soulmate and I want everyone to know it is possible.

"Immorality with trees",,,?  

So fucking what? He's an old man now. Let him his life normally.  

His is an extraordinary saga.  


That's true!


Me: *picks up cat* sorry, Mittens, desperate times call for desperate measures.




Figuring that out took me much longer than it should have. 


It's called problem-solving.  

Speaking of...




110 years ago, in Iowa




Can we just assume that's a little tiny person and a little tiny table?


If the above was a scene in a movie what would be the name of the movie?
21 Plump Street
Starchy and Husky
Law & Order: Specials Menu Unit
Brooklyn 999
Boys in Blue-Cheese
The Thick Blue Line
Magnum P.I.E.
Hill Street Chews
MEAL Team 6
Law and Order BMI
Oscar and Meyer
Gravy Seals
Diet Hard
Adam 312
Lard and Odor.

The Outlaw Jersey Whales

Why would Ector County, a small county in west Texas with a population of less than 200,000 need heavy equipment like that?
"Heavy equipment" - no pun intended.











Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: Frog B is different. The lines on both rear legs are longer and touch the front legs.

Anonymous said...

B- the lines inside the frog’s legs connect to the arms

Anonymous said...

"B" is the answer. The creases go all the way down.

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