About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020






Idiot #1

Idiot #2

Idiot #3

Idiot #4


Social distancing during 1918 Spanish Flu...

It's true, you know. He admitted as much in an interview.


This is what 6 weeks on a ventilator does to your body.


Doctor fighting COVID19 tells it the way it is


I have taken 37 steps since March 16th. Call me for your fitness needs.




Dealers gotta do what dealers gotta do...

Here's his attempt: 


Super Sin Soaker.

Your hand temperature is fine, here's some eye sanitizer...







If newscasters are going to be broadcasting from their homes, the least they can do is show us around the place.


From an email:
Lately, You have been listing several examples of what can be achieved while we are in STFAH mode.

Attached are a few photos of an old car my 11-year-old son and I brought back to life.  It had been parked for 13 years and had only been driven 500 miles since 2001.
He gets his school assignments on Monday and atypical finishes everything for the week by Monday night.  Therefore he has a lot of time on his hands with no sports and no scouting.

He has learned the following:
1. If there is a manual then you can fix it.
2. Replaced fuel tank, fuel pump, fuel lines, and rebuilt the carburetor
3. Replaced all brake lines, master cylinder, rotors, pads, and calipers
4. Replaced plugs, plug wires, points, condensers, cap and rotor
5. Learned how to set point gap and use a dwell meter and timing light
6. Learned how to use a vacuum gauge to fine-tune the engine
7. Learned how to use a meter to chase down electrical issues
8. Learned how to change transmission gear lube and engine oil
9. Learned that if you don't put things back where they go, it really sucks the next time you need it (specifically 10mm, 13mm, and 17mm sockets and wrenches).
10. He learned that the driver's seat is a very comfortable place to take a nap.

Still a lot of things on the list remaining to do.
That kind of parenting should be emulated.

 Try dramatic toy photography...


Kink it up a bit...

Do you have someone real stupid in your family? If so try this...


 Take the "Do I Have Strong Teeth Challenge"...

I double-dog dare you. 

Keep fucking with your dogs...


The wife ordered me one of those face masks with the gorilla mouth printed on them.
Just about finished getting my studio in order. I will send pictures soon.
Send me movie ideas. I'm flat out of options. The weirder the better.
We are still laughing a lot, which we take as a good sign.
Remember that my wife and I bet on if Erin Burnette will show cleavage...
 And whether her part is straight or crooked. 

Now we bet on the color of her top. You win two if you get it right, but lose nothing for getting it wrong.

Stay safe, Gentle Reader, I don't want to lose a single one of you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another enjoyable read during this F'ing PANDEMIC.
Now if that damned Orange Blubber Butt could just disappear.
Thank you for making my day brighter!

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