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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, June 12, 2020






Be very careful what you believe...

I live in Tallahassee. The man killed by the police had literally just stabbed a man to death, and he was killed reaching for a gun.

On May 27, 2020, after 11 a.m.,[2] a 38-year-old African-American[3][4] transgender man, Tony McDade,[5][6][4][7] was fatally shot in the Leon Arms apartment complex by an officer of the Tallahassee Police Department,[8] following the fatal stabbing of Malik Jackson on nearby Saxon Street.[1][9][10] Early reports of the incident misgendered McDade as a "woman", and on May 28, the police department described McDade as a woman who "identified as a man".[1][11][9][4]
McDade is a suspect in the fatal stabbing and police stated that McDade pointed a gun at police and that a bloody knife was found at the scene.[citation needed) An eyewitness report has contradicted statements by the Police Department[12] that McDade was armed with a gun.[8][13][6][5]

I'm pretty sure part of that can be explained by Americans being able to buy as many weapons as they can afford.

Accompanying comment:
"This has been the center of protests for the past two weeks, it looked like a barricaded war zone, with streets closed off all around capitol hill. Cops were everywhere in riot gear, firing tear gas and rubber bullets. Today they took their toys, shredded a bunch of documents, and boarded the place up."

"Over the last week, Florida has seen rising numbers of new COVID-19 cases. Since Tuesday, the number of people who tested positive for the coronavirus totaled more than 1,000 each day. Saturday's total of 1,426 positive tests was the most since early April." -NPR 

Unbelievably photogenic Ukrainian riot police



Sure we could all use this shirt right now.





 Rubber gloves fool.


 Listen to the film clip.





Are there still people out there who think all these people all over the world are wrong and they themselves - who have never experienced police violence - have it right? 





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