About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, June 13, 2020



Your kid's history book:
"Here's a flower."
 "Here's a concussion."
 I am very proud of America's young people.

A new twist...



My fellow public artists are doing their part...

Ralph Dale Earnhardt
Sanity rules.

I haven't forgotten. Stay strong, Hong Kongers. 

The protests are not just about #BLM It is against the system that lets these killings continue to happen.

Old but pertinent news...

The mouth AND nose must be covered!


Defunding the police explained beautifully in under a minute.
That is EXACTLY what I said a few days ago.



On April 5, 1968, the day after Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination, Riceville, Iowa schoolteacher Jane Elliott ran an incredible social experiment in her third-grade classroom. Her "Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes" exercise identified the kids "as inferior or superior based solely upon the color of their eyes and exposes them to the experience of being a minority." The exercise had a tremendous, and lasting, impact on those children and countless others, and sparked Elliott's lifelong role as an anti-racism activist and educator. 
WARNING: It's an hour long.

 Everything he has probably ganged up and killed any covid in his system turf war style.

An intelligent read on the war on drugs that has ruined far more lives than the drugs themselves. 

 It's about fucking time.




This is me when my neighbor tells me Trump is "being held hostage by the DeepState and is being forced to make bad decisions so nobody would like him."







Anonymous said...

AS children could we ever have imagined a worldwide pandemic and a race war in the USA at the same time?
PS: F*CK Trump and I hope he slithers away like the cowardly asshole he is.

weaponoffishdestruction@gmail.com said...

In regards to the confederate flag portion, is there any other group of US citizens that have a flag banned? Is there any other group of citizens that have a single word that they shouldn't use or speak or write or even sing? I ask - what's next? Isn't ANY flag or symbol a representation of free speech? Isn't that protected under the bill of rights and the constitution? A slippery slope indeed. It's starting to look like the white race are the only "racists" on the planet. I did not choose to be born white. I do not apologize for that either.

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