About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020







The scope of additional complications involve (but not limited to):
- Neurological 
- Strokes 


Here's their first action:


What do we do if a significant number of Americans simply refuse to get the covid vaccine? You might want to think about that.









"I'm Canadian and I still hear this from some people. Please wear a mask and do everything the experts are telling you to do. I know it's hard, but if we work together we'll get through this." 

Sobering fact: the state of Massachusetts has ~6.9 million people, all of Canada has ~37.6 million people. They both currently have around the same amount of COVID-19 cases at ~115k and a death toll of ~8k. If that doesn't tell you that the US response to this pandemic has been poor, to say the least, I don't know what will.


Congrats Florida.  You had a couple months to watch and learn how to prepare, and yet...
Well, I figured out why Florida’s Covid numbers are so bad.. pretty hard to expect people to wear masks simply because it’s the right thing to do when those same people need to be TOLD not to rape their kids. 









Have I lost faith in America?
And it's not just our inept leadership. Normal otherwise sane people have shown utter disregard for each other's safety.



Anonymous said...

I bet Colin Powell would tell you that Obama never told a lie in office. Not once. Not ever. Completely scandal free.

Unknown said...

Conspiracy theorists will swear we never went to the moon and I've ALWAYS asked them, How can You make Fine powder NOT billow into clouds of dust and settle so quickly on Earth without a Vacuum the size of the most immense studio you ever heard of, Manned by all crew members wearings life support due to the Vacuum? where do you get 1 light source that manages to be bright enough to light the whole set but doesn't cast shadows from the point of emanation other than the Sun? they ALL dodge the answer. They CANNOT answer it! They'd rather carry on being comfortable and Ignorant. I'm ready to be Uncomfortable and deal with reality! Our War Vets and service-people would use these arseholes as pavement! (Walkway).

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