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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, August 2, 2020



This will be landing on Mars soon.

It's a tradition in America to allow the super-rich to rob us blind. And we aren't supposed to complain.

Siberian town dug a trench to block covid.
 Sadly, the virus has already entered the village (population 390). 
Almost 10 percent of Shuluta’s population, 37 residents, contracted the virus. A 62-year-old man died. 
The crisis tore at Shuluta. Accusations flew. Many blamed those who held the shamanic ritual that drew in outsiders. There was anger at district authorities. Other residents flat-out denied the existence of the virus — even some who had pneumonia... 
“We were told they dug the trenches so that no one could leave and no one could come,” said a resident. “How could you close the village if there is no money and no work? How could people live?”

Showing if Masks Work Using FIRE!


The Republican Darwin awards are gonna be busy this year.

I take no pleasure in anyone's death but his demise may be a powerful lesson that will persuade others to wear a mask.

The guy I rent to has volunteered to take the vaccine in a trial. He is even going to take a day off and drive to Charleston. I admire him beyond measure so I forgave this month's rent. He refused the offer. What a fucking guy.


I know it and you know it.

Carl Burnstein suggested that they form a caretaker government until the next president could be sworn in. That is because of our federal government's embarrassing lack of national response to the pandemic.

Here's one reason we are fucked...
Canada is beating the virus and in the US the virus is beating us.

He had one job.
I call that inadequate training...or being brain dead.

Here's this lady's conspiracy.
Here's her proof:
 Conspiracy Theorists are the most stupid people in America...if not the world.

You want a conspiracy? How about this one? 

LEFTIST?!?! How did wearing a mask become political? I just don't get it.
Instead of leftist mask wearers 
vs rightist anti-masks here are better comparisons:

Prudent vs Foolish
Responsible Citizen vs Selfish Pricks
Excellent Parental Models vs Selfish Children
Sane vs Insane
Aware vs Cult Blind
Aware vs Conspiracy Theorist
See the need for behavioral change vs Arrogance
Guided by fact vs Guided by opinion
Eyes open vs Eyes closed
Mind open vs Mind closed
Trust in science vs Trust in a reality TV show host

Me alive - Herman Cain dead















RH: Wow. Pretty impressive insanity, both to ignore all the dead celebrities and democrats, then label it as a magic war.
Also allegedly subscribes to the QAnon school of thought.

Seriously, masks are the only weapon you and I, and yet 40% [verification needed] refuse to use them! THAT'S CULTURAL SUICIDE!!! 


Psalm 109:8
Let his days be few, and let another take his office.
King James Version





This was months ago...
I predict we will set records in the number of people voting to get rid of Trump.


2020 - 2014 federal agents..2
You need to listen to this.


I wonder how long it will take before we find out what Putin has on Trump. I have a theory. Trump has had many business dealings in Russia. In Russia every official takes bribes. In America, it is a federal crime to bribe any foreign official. Ergo: Putin has Trump on tape bribing foreign officials that could send him to federal prison.
We shall see.



Try this on for size if you dare:

A lot of uncertainty out there concerning sending children out into the world during these dangerous times.
I will tell you for certain that as a former educator it would not reenter the classroom under these circumstances.
Stay safe and protect the ones you love most.


Anonymous said...

I predict there will be a record number of people voting to make sure Biden loses and Trump is reelected.

Unknown said...

Has anybody else on here been to a Blog that is even 10 percent as good as 'Folio Olio' ?!?....I know I haven't. I learn absolutely LOADS on here and am Thoroughly entertained and inspired. Cheers, Ralph! :)

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