The Daily Tar Heel isn't holding back this morning:
Whenever I get asked to do something I don't want to do I just answer "In a pandemic?" and it's worked pretty well so far.
Republicans 1860’s: freeing the slaves. Republicans 2020’s: Being heartbroken because Dolly Parton isn’t a racist.
I'm not saying that all conservatives are racists but I can say that I have never met a liberal who was racist. And think about it - you KNEW the lady who tweeted that wasn't a liberal...didn't you?
Well, there's a sure-fire way to find out...oh, that's right, Trump is doing all he can to keep me from mailing my ballot.
Well, there's a sure-fire way to find out...oh, that's right, Trump is doing all he can to keep me from mailing my ballot.
Prove it. Spouting bullshit does not make it true. You should have learned that a long time ago.
Him saying there will be skullduggery doesn't make it true.
Do your research from untainted sources.
And we are letting him do this to OUR POST OFFICE!!!
So, think about the number of people who have to die before you admit Trump has blown his covid response. 300,000? Half a million? And consider that there are dozens of countries that have shown us how to beat it and we refuse to follow their lead.
And remember, my number was based on us being 4% of the world's population, so anything over 4% of the deaths was a sure sign we were losing. Our deaths are now about 25% of the world's deaths.
And remember, my number was based on us being 4% of the world's population, so anything over 4% of the deaths was a sure sign we were losing. Our deaths are now about 25% of the world's deaths.

And he never will...under no circumstances.
But Trump supporters actually believe that every single person who accuses him of ANYTHING is a liar. Every TV person who points out Trump's obvious lies is fake news. And all of this wrapped up in a mammoth conspiracy involving an invented Deep State which includes but is not limited to the FBI, the CIA, the whole Democratic Party, every news organization except Fox News, and the Post Office.
How many times has he accused his problems on hoaxes? Dozens? A hundred? He even called covid a hoax and did nothing just to prove it...killing tens of thousands.
How many times has he accused his problems on hoaxes? Dozens? A hundred? He even called covid a hoax and did nothing just to prove it...killing tens of thousands.
The man actually condemned Obama for taking too much time off for recreation and further stated that he would be too busy to take any time off. And he knew he was lying when he told you that.
Let's define winning.
Dumb? It may be a lot of things but dumb is not one of them. He knows there are followers who will believe it.
Oh, look, here's a rational supporter now...
Oh, look, here's a rational supporter now...
Let's ask this Mexican guy about hats.
It's funny. CLICK HERE
No, she's heartbroken because Dolly Parton is supporting a Marxist organization.
Don't forget the Democrat mantra, "Vote early and vote often."
MARXIST??!!?? hahahahahahahahahahahahaha,
The graphs showing mail-in voting by state have contradictions.
How ironic The party that wants mail in ballots
is the same party that lost 33,000 emails
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