About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020




Nose swabs and virus nucleic acid were studied.
















I don't blame them. We had to have them fast and fast cost extra.

A Florida man, a Florida teen, and a British man are all facing charges for scamming people across America and perpetuating the “Bit-Con” hack of prominent Twitter accounts including Bill Gates, Barack Obama, and Elon Musk.





 I can see it no other way.



My outfit should not determine my survival.

Please listen to this:


I do not blame him for that. 
It's the pandemic, stupid.




These people will not be happy until they kill us all...



A while back, my favorite bartender of all time took a trip down the local river on an intertube with her boyfriend. She got a cut on the leg and once back home they dressed it as well as they could. 48 hours later she went to the ER and was admitted into the hospital for immediate surgery. The cut all the infected skin away down to the bone and have her scheduled for a SIX WEEKS stay for observation.
Cut...48 hours...surgery...life-threatening.
Today a scientist looked right in the lens of the TV camera and told me that covid was completely out of control in the US and that there is nothing to blame but irresponsible human behavior.
Hey, anti-mask people, THAT'S YOU! You are the reason sports will be shut down; bars will be shut down, and parents are scared to death to send their children back to school...and the economy will surely tank even more.
That mask is that important but you see it differently. You see it as rebelling against a bullying government or some such shit. 
Just stop and think for a moment - this virus doesn't care how manly and brave you are or how principled you believe your stance. You are being a fool and history will not treat you kindly. When your grandson reads of 2020 and asks what you did during The Pandemic I just want you to be honest and say, "Well, I refused to wear a mask." He will ask why not and you will probably say something like, "I don't remember."
Then there is my mask-wearing tenant who has volunteered to take an unknown vaccine to save your anti-mask ass.


Anonymous said...

All those items that were mailed would be returned if undeliverable. Not so with ballots. Think ballot harvesting.

Ralph Henry said...

Ballot harvesting by whom?

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