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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020



I think people around me should have the freedom to not get infected by me in case I unknowingly carry a deadly virus.

That's how you get compliance from customers. 
1. State a fact that disarms their argument. 
2. Give them a choice with enforcement. 
3. Give them a deadline. 
This isn't a negotiation. It's an order.
The conversation should be very simple and calm. 
"I don't have to wear a mask!" 
"Do you own this property?" 
"No. But.." 
"Property owner wants everyone to wear a mask. If you don't like it, please leave. If you haven't put on a mask or left in 30 seconds I will call the police." 



What if this is just the practice pandemic?


Remember who when these heroes delivered the mail even while anthrax was being mailed? I do. 


Don’t we have checks and balances about this kind of thing? 

Let me explain in real small words. The Post Office is a service like a library,  the interstate highways, airports, schools, and the army. When was the last time you heard anyone complain because the army lost money?

New Yorkers have spoken...

The party of law and order indeed.


Captain Ouchie Foot...how very, very beautiful.

2020 is like going to a wedding and finding a cash bar kind of year.


 My desire to learn as much as I can about this pandemic runs headlong into the utter stupidity of Donal Trump's actions...or rather INactions. I have had to turn the TV off for days at a time.

I do understand the protest votes against the government electing Trump. But what I don't understand is remaining loyal with the overwhelming evidence that the man is in way over his head.




Our governor finally urged everyone to wear masks...but no mandate. 




Blogger: I'm in favor of medical care for all.
Viewer: You're a communist.
So, you're saying any country that provides health coverage for its citizens is communist. So, Germany, France, Spain, Japan, South Korea, and South Africa are all communists?
I know you don't want to use your tax dollars to buy poor people things they can't afford. But you are presently paying for poor people's health care. They just go to the emergency room for the flu or a sprained ankle which costs ten times as much as a doctor visit. And that visit is paid for with your tax dollars.
If this pandemic taught us anything it is that tying health insurance to your job is an awful idea.
Why not take your healthcare contribution plus your employer's contribution and give that to the government to expand Medicare to cover everyone. We old people love Medicare and so will you.
The way it is now your and your employer's contribution goes to an insurance company that pays the hospital when you need care. But these insurance companies make trillions of dollars in profit. The government doesn't need to make a profit.
It's time to join the rest of the world and make our citizens our priority.


If the government implants a tracking device on me the only useful information they are going to get is how many times I actually pee in a day.



Imagine being brought down to the level of pity by a 4th-rate huckster and his cult of useful idiots.


I predict a quarter of a million by year's end.
Unless we change our ways.

Captain Ouchie Foot





The irony...It burns  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hopefully, that idiot in the White House will soon be GONE!
PS: So much sadness and despair and he could care less.

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