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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020



Another Apocolyse Bingo gag...

I predict these school openings are going to get very, very ugly. 

Fuck this guy.
I've heard conflicting reports on which candidate he would harm if he ran. Anybody?

Woman delivers baby moments after Beirut blast

Also Beirut




Buckle up, fellow citizens, it's going to be a rough ride. 


Even if you think this a hoax, Canada says you can’t vacation there right now. The people who supposedly care about the rule of law and border security are the first to stop caring when it inconveniences them. 


 If the government doesn't act there will soon be millions of people homeless who have never dreamed of being homeless in their worst nightmares.

Robin Williams on Donald Trump 2012

Robin William's stand up bit on Joe Biden


If the South had won the Civil War do you think they would allow statues to Sherman, Grant, and Lincoln? Think about that. Take as long as you need.

My kind of mask...

Then there's this lady...
 Sette Buenaventura is a nurse who works at coronavirus front line loses her leg after ignoring pain while saving lives. She said working as a nurse means "you forget about your own pains because you’re busy helping other people... but everything comes at a cost"
Full news here: CLICK HERE

That's one funny guy.


I've been thinking much about conspiracy theories.

They would be funny if they weren't so very dangerous.
People are desperate for easy answers to complex problems.

That brings me to a comment left by a visitor:
"When are people going to get it through their heads that climate change has been happening for billions of years with no humans present? Just like the magnetic poles changing, with no human cause. Call me a denier...I call you a hoaxster."

My response:
"Would you please take the time to explain to me WHY NASA, the UN, NOA, etc, etc, etc, would want to spend so much money and time to fool you?"

And remember, when presented with facts that go against their core beliefs conspiracy believers just hunker down more.
There is no way...no amount of data...that could possibly sway that man. While drowning in rising seas he will deny it has anything to do with manmade carbon dioxide. He simply does not want it to be true therefore it is not true.
His opinion is more valid than science's facts.
Sad that.

And right this moment that man is plotting how to rebuff what I said simply because he doesn't want to believe it. Whom shall I believe - scientists who have studied this for decades or a guy who read a couple of articles from handpicked sources? 
It is so very sad.


(that is not the replica)


[verification needed] 




 He will forever be vilified for this alone...

You Trumpers may not believe it but if a Democratic president had pulled the shit Trump has I would criticize them just as harshly. 
I just don't think trying to provide healthcare for all Americans is an indictable offense. Obama may have fucked it up, but at least he tried to join the other nations in the world who think the health of their citizens is government's number one job.
It was stated that 180M Americans like their present insurance. I wonder how many of those are on Medicare which every old person loves.

My top pick for Biden's VP was Susan Rice...smart lady. My number two was Harris. So I'm okay with it.
Am I okay with Biden? No. I felt it was time to turn the party over to the next generation. But he could not possibly do worse than Trump.

Did you ever notice that whenever people try and defend Trump it all boils down to money? As if money is the only issue that matters. Do you think money is all that matters?

Could I ask you something? Have any of you people developed digestion problems? I'm thinking it's the stress of dealing with all this uncertainty.

Sleep well, my friends. Tomorrow can only get better.


Anonymous said...

In your statement on climate change you left out the words, "man made". I don't deny climate change is happening, I balk at the supposition that it is all "man made". As just one item think of under-ocean volcanoes and cracks in the ocean floor letting methane leak out. Guess what? Those items warm the water, kill fish and vegetation, and yes...even melt ice. Imagine that! People also forget that CO2 is necessary for trees, plants, etc. to survive. Nice tradeoff...they take in CO2 and give us oxygen. As far as organizations backing the idea of man made....simple. Money can be made from such frauds as carbon credits. You forget how in the not-too-distant past we were all going to freeze to death because of climate change and "GLOBAL COOLING".

Ralph Henry said...

You think scientists from all over the world have studied everything you said and dismissed it?

weaponoffishdestruction@gmail.com said...

I like to call it Universe Warming. Has our man made warming actually affected all the other planets that appear to be warming at basically the same rate?

Anonymous said...


Forbes magazine is considered to lean right to right-center, so hopefully the fact this article appeared in this magazine will appease some of the more conservative viewers and not be considered "fake news".

Also, the author is a PhD astrophysicist

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