About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, October 12, 2020

MONDAY #4310

 One Of My Very Own









Word on the street...

Indecent thoughts in HIM!


Remember that movie about the alien who smoked dope all the time? Funny stuff.

It's not like I haven't been warning you for years.



"We're looking at removing nations from the map."





The simplest of things...

Stupidity is Nature's only Capital Offense.

But yet...


Science is less than a decade away from a fully operational printer.




Boy, does this bring back memories?
While shark fishing off a huge pier in Beaufort, SC a man caught the largest stingray ever caught on the east coast. While it was hung up being measured it began to give birth just like that. The other fishermen grabbed the babies by the tail and slammed them down on the pier to use as bait. Made me sick.

Insult to injury...

A man in Belarus escapes riot police by jumping into a taxi car which drives away instantly.

Score one for the good guys.

Now, if you saw this still could you anticipate what was about to happen?
So why didn't the actual participant foresee the consequences?

Jojo Rabbit


Eyeball scraping - The vanishing trade practiced by Sichuan Barbers


Voices from entire Chipmunks movie pitch-corrected






Brazil drug dealers spread vegetable oil on the streets to stop the police trucks




To the person who brought multi-grain chips to the party- you could have just said you didn’t want to come.








Harry Potter Wall


Forget his weird posture, what's up with the edging on the White House grounds. My house looks better than that.

A colorized Dorothea Lange portrait of a mother and child during the great depression, 1939

Note bottle.

A rare view of the Statue of Liberty from the balcony on its torch. The exit there has been closed since 1916.


A whitetail buck shaking off the rain.


When an Alabama woman complained of constant pain and breathing issues, doctors told her she just needed to lose weight. A few months later, emergency room doctors discovered the 50-pound ovarian cyst. 

That is factual.

Baby dolls carrying away corpses.

Spooky that.

Moose Jesus

How does the boat operate in such shallow water?


Sperm Whale


A massive pod of dolphins at False Bay, South Africa

I'm thinking that gathering is necessary for the same reason there were gathering of ancient humans - to find mates with different genes.


If you are easily offended, you are easily manipulated.




Let me know how that works out for you.




Lot's of people killed by just that.




I haven't a clue as to what that is about.

1 comment:

Wrekreation said...

c9 - Bottle? Look at the right ear ring thing.

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