About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

SUNDAY #4316

One Of My Very Own





Helen Reddy, singer of "I Am Woman", RIP

Helen Reddy, the Australian-American singer, and activist who famously co-wrote and sang the 1971 feminist anthem "I Am Woman," has died at age 78. The song was informed by Reddy's experiences in the Women's Movement in Australia.

"I realized that the song I was looking for didn't exist, and I was going to have to write it myself." 

Listen to her sing while you scroll: CLICK HERE
BTW: You can listen while you scroll!









Remember when we were all concerned about being filmed all the time? Now we BOUGHT a spy to sit on our desks to play songs and answer questions.

"Unlikely event"

My daughter used to draw blood playing that game.


Yes, yes he is.

Speaking of...

For those with short memories...a reminder...





My neighbor had five children. She said the last one walked out...spinning a cane.


The internet has ruined us all.

Fuck cats.

I would actually love to see how she would do that exactly. I'm going to search for it on Pornhub.

Visa & Mastercard accepted.


And only 50% of them wear masks during an airborne pandemic.




That shit must be contagious.

"Belieber"? Anybody?
I can only assume it was a typo for "believer" commonly known as Trumpkin and Trumpanzee.




Are you even capable of understanding what that means to the rest of us anymore? I doubt it because you refuse to acknowledge that the game is fixed. And that we lose is guaranteed.

Just wait.






Frat boys wear their hats backward so they can still kiss each other.



Watch Japanese translators attempt to translate the debate.

I've watched young men on my crew do things equally as stupid. One guy balanced a quart can of paint on a ladder rung after I told him not to, then it fell and it took an hour to clean up, then he went back up the ladder and DID THE EXACT THING AGAIN!
Yet I still love the guy.

Note: I found the first image and then collected the corresponding images myself.

I bet the mayor loved that.



Qanon would believe shit like that.

[verification needed]

Looks more like a rat to me.

These two young men are within seconds of a nasty fall from their motor scooter. What causes it?

A. That big bull straight ahead.

B. One of the cows off to the right.

C. The herding dog off camera.

D. Ignorance of Newton's Third Law.


D. Ignorance of Newton's Third Law.

1. Why wouldn't the husband just cut or untie the "rope"?
2. How come the wife is not naked?
3. Why are there so many spectators on the street?
4. Who just happens to have a rope made out of sheets just lying around?
5. Who has that many sheets in one apartment?
6. Why is the neighbor assaulting the man and maybe attempting murder?
7. Wouldn't a sane fleeing adulterer predict that the husband was going to just wait for him in the street and therefore climb back into the apartment and maybe down another set of stairs?

2020: The gift that keeps on giving

Here's his story:

"Married 12 years. Never had an issue with headaches nor migraines. Out of the blue during the sexy time with my wife, I hit the floor with incredible sharp pain throughout my head. It was bad enough to rush to the E.R. 

Two CT scans and a spinal tap later, everything looks normal but I still experience the pain during sexual climax. I'm freaking out because I don't know the cause nor the fix. Doctors are a bit worried since the headache is brought on by "physical activity".

I have an appointment scheduled with a neurologist next week. At this point, I don't care what it is, I just need answers."

Here's my story:
I also experienced severe headaches right at the climax but I didn't miss a stroke. Afterward, I needed an icepack. After a half dozen or so of these attacks I went to my doctor. He smiled and asked if I had a sense of humor. I assured him that I did, in fact, have one, and he said, "Us doctors call that a fucking headache. Probably a sinus infection. Here take one of these pills twice a day."
And he was right.






Speaking of eyes...


The Bible and the Quran both tell us to love one another.

The Kama Sutra is a little more specific.




Oh, by the way...















weaponoffishdestruction@gmail.com said...

Hiya Ralph, A30, a Belieber is a Justin Bieber Fan. Your TDS (Trump derangement syndrome) is only overshadowed by your lack of pop culture knowledge. #Trumptrain2020

Steve said...

Puzzle: Made in China

A30: A "Belieber" is a fan of Justin Beiber (Canadian pop singer). From "Bieber" + "Believer"

SON of REEP said...

Standby for Ralphies meltdown in 16 days !

He is not of the body
He will be absorbed
It is the will of Landru

Ralph Henry said...


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