About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020


 One Of My Very Own.






Watch carefully...
I actually think the trailer absorbed most of the energy of the crash.

An interesting rural village in Poland 

How very odd.

Care to guess which country?


That is what happens with lax building codes.


Every time a see an elephant's foot I think about it having more or less the same bones in the same configuration as humans.
The difference being that thick pad of fat under the heel.

Now you can talk directly to your computer's motherboard.

This puppy establishing its dominance...

Ducks demand respect.
They can run, swim, dive, and fly...and they taste great! What's not to love?

Festival of Kite Balloons

That last one reminds me of my cock ring.

Ascidians also known as Skeleton Panda Sea Squirts 


"...Beating you with jumper cables" juxtaposed with "Is everything alright at home?" Damn.

This Tibetan Cherry tree looks like it's made of copper.


Here, we have the male of the species, giving birth to a circular saw.

You should be very careful about wearing loose-fitting clothing around anything with moving parts.
That guy had every article of clothing ripped off but survived with only a few broken ribs and a bunch of cuts and bruises.

Think of all the engineering that went into that.

This tree has 1 branch of an apple tree and the rest is a normal tree.


The proudest I have ever been was the day my daughter got her Ph.D.


Might want to add some commas.

Good thing he's not a wide receiver.
Not that there's anything wrong with it.

But it's just an unknown species of crustacean.

I was fanaticizing about some caveman jacking off on a pine tree that was oozing resin.



That is much harder than it looks.

Multiple Confirmed tornados with the hurricane resulted in sharks literally being pulled out of powerlines in Mobile, Alabama.




Wait for it...




The thin line between odd and insane.
So, what difference does that make?
Ask these people:



Sneezing with a mask on feels like shitting your pants with your face.



I was a bartender all those years and swore I would never be one of those assholes.

This exact same thing happened when I was living in married student housing at the university.
Only mine was directly above the tub which made clean-up much easier.

Donating her body to science while still alive.

I admire every single one of the people helping to develop a vaccine for the rest of us.
My renter is doing it and he said it was for my wife and me. I found it genuinely touching.

I'm a dog guy. They will love you for just being you.

Cats on the other hand are just very good at murder.

That is a baptismal pool.
The one at the church I once attended had an all-glass front and when girls put on their flimsy white gown and entered the pool the gown became more or less transparent. A good time was had by all...boys.

I used to ask many questions - most of which could not be answered.
I knew religion was a scam when I was told I was not allowed to ask hard questions.

I sat there so I could sneak out when the preacher turned his back.

Marriage has taught me many valuable lessons, not the least of which is that ads like this must be ignored at all costs.

This is just one reason why iceberg climbing never really caught on...

I have been honing my situational awareness skills and my threat assessment my whole life and can assure you that I would never do either of these things.

Many non-artists don't realize that most of us throw away 90% of what we produce because it just isn't up to our standards.
Well, you have to be smart about it. I picked murals because there were very few muralists. And also nobody knew what a mural should cost so it was a matter of whatever the market would bear.

I was once asked to paint a mural similar to this. I ask him where the wall was located and he said, "I thought you found the wall."
I told him that I made $500 a day and it didn't matter whether I was painting or driving around looking for a wall. He declined.

I love Raggae.

That's about how I feel about my blog. There is a guy who regularly tells me how much he hates my stuff. Why would he regularly view a blog he hates? It's not like I send it to you. He had to go looking for it.

I have never understood such male grooming. I call it preening and find it embarrassing.

That's me. Can't stand silence.

I've never understood the revulsion over urine when a bunch of people drinks it. How foul can it be?

I've had two jobs since I left high school. Even in the military I would maintain nuclear missiles by day and smuggle by night.
Teaching allowed me plenty of time to paint my murals since I only taught 160 days a year.

I don't know that many people but I have met THREE men who admitted to fucking their sisters when they were young teenagers. And in all three cases, it was the girls who initiated the sin.


I've owned a couple of VWs with rotted out floors. A no parking sign is great for covering the whole driver's side floorboard. Fits perfectly.

The other day I caught myself throwing the silverware in the trash and the used paper napkin in the sink.
It sucks being old.

I have a facial expression that expresses the same sentiment.

I HATE restaurants with chefs at the table doing silly shit like that.

Somehow I have become obsessed with runaway tires.
Seeing one in person is the only item on my bucket list.

It worked for me more times than you can imagine.

The more absurd the better.

I very seldom drink hard liquor but when I do it's a Bloody Mary and I love them.
I have mentioned before that I wrote a novel titled "The Double Yolked Egg Man" and the stories I wrote are as true to me as memories in real life and the characters are my friends...or my enemies...depends.

I appreciate dark humor more than most people.
And lately, there has been a bountiful harvest.















Anonymous said...

B20: I had a trailer tire come directly at me on a two lane road. There was nowhere to go as there were dictches on both sides.
It bounced right over my 79 Trans Am and I was prepared to die. Everything was in slow motion, and I can still see it in my head as I write this over 30 years later.
Believe me, this should not be on your bucket list without conditions of survival.

Anonymous said...

If you look at the '8 %' in that sentence then you will see it is composed of four circles.

Anonymous said...

Incidentally, is the guy in A5 a High Priest?


RON said...

three blue circles illustrated in the lower section and one circle spelled out in the top

Kranky Old Guy said...

Puzzle Time:
Stare at the center blue circle, then cross your eyes a little until you see five (5) circles.

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