About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, February 19, 2021

FRIDAY #4440

 One Of My Very Own










I would have used an old sneaker.

13 year old me wanted to go camping all weekend in the woods near my home and was told I could only do so if I took a loaded weapon. True.







I've found that dog's owner!


This year has been so long that I am now on my second bottle of Worcester sauce.



David Latimer planted this mini garden in a giant bottle in 1960 and watered it for the last time in 1972, before sealing it tightly.

This miniature ecosystem began in 1960 as entertainment, David Latimer, a fan of terrariums, wanted to know how long the plants can support without watering and with basic care. 53 years later, this plant, a tradescantia, is still alive and has become the jewel of the Latimer family.


The insanity of "We've always done it that way."
There is no reason - other than cosmetic - to circumcise a male child. If you can teach your son to brush his teeth then you can teach him to wash his dick.

Bear Grylls shows Cara Delevingne some key survival techniques.


What about this homicidal bastard?

At first, I thought the donor had full-sleeve tattoos.

This is a painting of fireworks over the Thames by James Whistler.
A powerful art critic (right) wrote that the painting was not art. Whistler (left) sued him.
When the judge asked Whistler how long it took him to paint it, Whistler said, "Fifteen minutes but it took me a lifetime to learn how."
The judge awarded him $1 setting a president that it is okay to declare something bad art, but you can't declare it not art.

Hell, I could use it listening to my wife carry on a full conversation with me from two rooms away.

Wouldn't the saltwater have killed all land plants?

Cueva de Las Manos, or the "Cave of Hands" in Argentina; a Neolithic site with ancient human artwork.

Do you see anything odd in this next view?

You can see in that image that, along with the hands, are stencil marks of what appear to be Rhea's feet. Rhea is a large species of flightless bird (similar to an Ostrich) found in Argentina.

I predict that soon we won't need actors or live-action.


I'm always fascinated by the innovation that takes place in the kitchens of the world.

Did you notice the fleeing panicked fish?

DIY escalator handrail sanitizer


We live in the safest times in human history.

And that is the secret to cultural harmony. Accept Jews, blacks, homosexuals, etc, as friends and it will change your life.


Do you think that when a fish is thrown back by a fisherman that they swim around telling other fish that they were abducted by aliens and the other fish stop inviting them to any fish functions?



We all need to love as strongly as those lions.

My wife does shit like that often.
She has a really cute butt.

Are there any other fans of the pelvic bulge out there?
Now that's a pelvic bulge to be proud of!

Street food is the best food.

I'm assuming a movie.

Wait for it...
My brother and I drove to my sister's house to help out after her husband died. While we were waiting a three-legged cat hobbled out from under the house. I said, "I have never seen a three-legged cat before" and no sooner got it out of my mouth when a second three-legged cat hobbled out.

The only shade for miles.

Moving sidewalk mishap

How NOT to use it.
Is that Bernie Sanders? It looks like Bernie Sanders.

[verification needed]


With friends like this...

The right tool for the job.


Has anyone actually traced the royal lineage of the Burger King or are we just supposed to accept this bullshit nobility claim at face value?



Some I agree with some I don't


Feel like a winner yet?






We don't seem to listen to each other anymore. Everyone wants to be heard but nobody is willing to listen. How well do we know what others are going through?


[verification needed]


How does that jive with your belief that both parties are the same?












I often wondered why voter ID was such a bad idea...then I read this:

Now try to remember the recent removal of mailboxes in certain neighborhoods.






We hear "Take our country back" all the time. If you believe that the Democrats are going to ruin this country please let me know in what form that ruin will take. We will look at the predictions in a year to see how accurate they are. You may use my email or the comment section.













Anonymous said...

D7 is BS. When the EU looked at a transaction tax they concluded that it would generate no additional revenue


Anonymous said...


Burgervan said...

A7 The 'Solution', is minced up in the SAME bag! Lol

Anonymous said...

B3...U R a master of finding that S**t when I needed a laugh...

Anonymous said...

It occurs to me you don't get it....BOTH parties just buy votes with my tax dollars. They (both) really don't have any central principles or honor. Come into office making $150k and leave 20 years late (if we are lucky) with $50m. Do the math. We are nothing but cannon fodder or if you prefer GRIST.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking you would do yourself a service by reading about Miles Standish and the Pilgrims regarding their first year when all incentives were removed. A balance is difficult to achieve.

D'Ascoyne said...

My concern is about keeping the integrity of our personal liberties e.g. freedom of speech and right to keep and bear arms.

I see the threat coming from one side of the aisle explicitly threatening our liberties and their allies in the mainstream media and social media enacting mechanisms that effectively erode speech on a selective basis.

I'm not making a prediction. I don't give a rat's ass about gloating just so I can say "I told you so." I would like nothing better than to be wrong about this.

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