About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021


 One Of My Very Own







Yeah, like a Bookie was going to let him get away with that shit.





Did you notice him?










Lauren Boebert

Well, she's not.






It's a real evolutionary glitch that our brains will remind us that we forgot something but it won't remind us what that something is.




Dunning-Kruger Graph

NOTE: The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias hypothesis that people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability. The hypothesis aligns with many people's just world theories, but is strongly challenged by mathematical analysis and comparisons across cultures.







Do you ever cook something in the microwave and it's still cold in the middle but you just keep eating it because it' 2020 and you really don't care anymore.



A baby platypus is called a puggle.


Brother's Grimm Fairy Tales (Illustrations by Arthur Rackham) 191

^Jack and the Beanstalk: "Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman. Be alive, or be he dead, I'll grind his bones to make my bread."

^The Gnomes: “He played until the room was entirely filled with gnomes.”

^Rumplestiltskin: "'To-day I stew, and then I'll bake,

To-morrow I shall the Queen's child take;

Ah! how famous it is that nobody knows

That my name is Rumpelstiltskin.'"

^The Three Heads of the Well: They thanked her and said good-bye, and she went on her journey.

^The True Sweetheart: “The third time, she wore the star-dress which sparkled at every step.”

I always had a keen eye for illustrations when I bought my daughters' books.
^^C 2-6^^


How could that possibly do that? Anybody?


I had a sheepdog that loved doing that so much. When it was a puppy I had to sneak out the backdoor and go around and remove most of the Sunday paper so it could lift it.

Most of the country feels the same way.

Batman tries humor


Toward the end of the loop, it looks like we can see the vapor coil coming from the plane holding the cameraman.

Surely it can't mean what I think it means.

An extraordinarily weird movie. Harry Potter plays a corpse throughout the whole movie.

It's like a recess supervisor's whistle.

Self-installing window unit?


Looks a little too fruity to me.


Covering Confederate flag bumper stickers with gay pride ones is a dangerous game but it's the most fun you're going to have in the covid South.



Reminds me of this:

Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Zlatan Ibrahimovic


Put me in the skirmish, Coach!

Reminds me of that principal who told me to turn left at the last flashing light and when I asked her how I would know it was the last one she said "Cause there won't be anymore."

A perfect leg seep.

Such a manly-man


"Show me your scared face. Keep going..."


Disposing of a self-installing window unit.

You have to try real hard to be that stupid.

Does this man look like he can take a joke?

Well, he can't.

Just watch.
Oh, do go on...
China has more honor students than we have students. Fact.











You can use coins on a drawing on paper.


Burgervan said...

C9 Vegan "Cookie Monster". He won't eat any animal products but he'll shoot the bastards DEAD! hahahah

Burgervan said...

C10 I wish we could communicate to Dogs, just how much they are Loved and undervalued by Humans. We don't deserve their Loyalty, friendship, entertainment and sacrifices they offer us and GIVE us all the time. I was lucky enough to grow up with a Yorkie puppy we got when i was 10. we'd always had dogs in our family and Loved every one of them but That Yorkie (Perry we called him) made me feel Extremely happy just to know He was there and the most amazing friend, waiting to greet me when I got home. I took a very good photograph of him. I'd like to send it to You, Ralph. If You posted it on Your Blog, i'd be EXTREMELY Honoured! :)

Burgervan said...

D2 Ibrahimovic scored the most amazing goals and was a special player. His best goal was against US (England). outrageous overhead volley from NOWHERE! A True inspiration. :)

Burgervan said...

D5 Camels and Llamas etc, seem to have a Real malice of intent to their actions and I think that's FANTASTIC! :)

Burgervan said...

D11 He's a C*NT! :)

Burgervan said...

Things at which you are not to laugh at: It's funny because John Wilkes Booth, thought he was shooting the 'Prescient'. Grammar can be a BITCH!


I think you need to see a psychiatrist. Mike

Anonymous said...

Thanks for making me laugh!

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time
move a black ball into the recess. Then slide all the balls to the left. remove black ball from recess and slide it out the right side opening. restore white balls to original position.
Repeat this process 3 more times.

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