About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021


 One Of My Very Own






I watched the impeachment trial all afternoon. Here are some memorable quotes:

"Trump's legal team argued like mob lawyers who know that they have the jury in their pockets."

"Trump is probably glad that he had no intentions of paying them anyway."

And one of mine:

"I just wonder what Hunter Biden has to say about all this."


After Puzzle Time




My favorite way to shop is to just yell out what I want and then just wait for an ad to pop up.





Men are so fucking lucky.





Distance learning isn't new.

Here's another example, although for an entirely different reason. 

In 1958, the year after the Little Rock Nine attended a formerly all-white school, Arkansas's governor shut down Little Rock's for four public high schools in an attempt to stop further integration. Many students watched lessons on television for the year.


Where is the investigation, Mr. Biden?





What do they eat to-go meals with? Seriously...anybody?




He actually said, 

"It was hard squeezing my face into that A-hole."




I'm pretty sure you ought to use graph paper.



If the world ends in our lifetime I think the Mayans were well within the margin of error.



Never try to outbike a cop car.

They beat the holy shit out of the guy.

Am I correct that it can't just fall out of the sky because the helicopter-type rotor will ease it down to earth in case of engine failure?

I'm thinking he should have exited the boat right away.


Patron saint of women on public transit who don't want to talk to you.


Next on “I Should Have Never Gone Ziplining”

That's what friends are for.

It looks remarkably stable.


The older I get the more I enjoy Creedence Clearwater Revival.



The riots in the Netherlands is getting out of control.


This guy got a tattoo of a very unflattering photo of his wife...probably now ex-wife.


Look closely...

That is all it would take for me to turn an indoor cat into an outdoor cat.

Time traveler spotted


Boxing tutorial vs reality


Haven't any of these people ever seen one of the thousands of gifs of that device doing that exact same thing to other people?


I got a new off-brand Ring Doorbell security gizmo.

It's actually a spray-painted sardine tin with shit glued to it.
It won't stop all burglars but it could stop some burglars and we call that risk reduction.




Country Names Translated



And don't use the copout that the above was the "old law" because Jesus was a Jew and the old law was his law.



I few of my favorite still shots


Find mittened Bernie



I was taught to hate Nazis. All of my uncles fought in WWII. Now Nazis are rearing their ugly depravity and people don't seem nearly alarmed enough.


See, that's where Nazis and I differ. Murder is never an option. 20 years in prison for sedition, well...

Conservatives can get their followers to hate ANYTHING with the use of just one word.

No American family should have to declare bankruptcy just because a child gets sick.
And please don't tell me that everyone ought to get a job with health insurance. There are a finite number of those jobs and there simply aren't enough to go around.

Trump can not be blamed for that. If you must blame someone, blame covid.

I actually read this today:
I am a single-issue voter - covid. And we could not possibly have handled it any worse. And yes I blame the ex-president.
And who do Republicans blame?
Grandma thinks that funny.

Actually, in the South, it was more like 50 years ago.

You really ought to read that.




Scott James said...

Puzzle time: Bernie is on the far left, of course.

Bottom left corner to be specific.

Anonymous said...

B4: That's hilarious.

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