About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, April 2, 2021

FRIDAY #4482

 One Of My Very Own






NASA's Mars Perseverance Rover is about to drop a drone on Mars - Ingenuity helicopter will be the first flying machine on another planet and carries a piece of the Wright Flyer from 1903









I have never reset my truck's clock up or back for daylight savings time and today I found out it was right again.



Many people think this is childish and a waste of time.

These same people think that this is a manly and wise use of their time...



Go fucking figure.


A tailpipe widener?

Who wore it best?



Yesterday I heard the Amazon driver say to himself, "Damn, this house again."



So far, no one has been charged $50 or $75 for not complying with the Denton restaurant's mask rules. But he's ready to use it if he needs to.

People have been "lining up to take pictures of it.


Can we just stop? Times change but erasing the portrayals of the past won't make it better.


It was stated that this child laborer is 10 years old.


Look at her face...

Oh, but it gets worse...

Have we lost our fucking minds?


I don't mind that these women feel the need to make a course correction in their men's behavior...

But it really bothers me that they choose to do it in public.


A literal racist calling a normal person racist because the normal person's wife has a different skin color.


I often think about what would happen if we were informed that a giant asteroid would wipe out humanity in, say, a month.

What changes would you make? You would probably quit your job because preparing for your retirement wouldn't be necessary.

But what exactly would you do with your remaining days? 

Now ask yourself why you are not doing those things now?


Do you remember the clip I posted about the sailors who found the shipping container full of cigarettes? Well, I wondered how many of those containers are floating in the oceans of the world.

"There is no requirement for shipping lines to sink, track or retrieve containers lost offshore, so their positions are almost entirely unknown. Ninety percent of goods traded around the world are shipped on the oceans, and there are around 5-6 million containers at sea at any one time.  Containerized maritime trade ‘grew eight-fold from 1985 to 2007, and worldwide there are now approximately 5 to 6 million containers in transit at any given moment.’ An estimated 10,000 shipping containers fall from ships every year. Almost all containers that go overboard will sink – eventually.

“They could sink within days, or they could be several months still afloat, it depends on the type.

If the door seals are unbroken, containers carrying light, high-value cargo such as smartphones, each wrapped in protective layers of Styrofoam and inflatable packaging, could potentially float indefinitely."



My wife wanted to for me to drive her somewhere and I told her I needed a nap first. Then she called me "Rip Van Fucking Wrinkled" and I will never forget that.



Milky Way photo that took 12 years to create by Finnish astrophotographer J-P Metsavainio. 1.7-gigapixel, cumulative exposure time of 1,250 hours


Do you remember the woman who beat the shit out of the stuffed animal for sticking its head in the trash can and then after watching her the dogs would have nothing to do with the trash can?

Imagine when early man first brought some wolf puppies home to the cave and when one bites a child the parents bash its head in with a rock. I would assume the remaining puppies would alter their aggression just like that trash can avoidance strategy above.

PS: Did you notice that the stuffed animal had the same coloration as the dog?



Every man watching that cringes at the possibility of him missing the board and straddling the bar.


When I was in the military I devised a Halloween plan whereby a couple of friends and I took a stein to the door of a sergeant and said, "Trick or Treat we demand beer." We then insisted that the sergeant join us to the next house and so on and so forth. We all got shit-faced and - get this - I didn't have to buy a single beer!


How to make a road sign

In many states, road signs are made by prisoners.


This wire guide is brilliant!




That is what adequate training looks like. He acted more or less on muscle memory.



Only three more weeks until my wife sends me a text asking if I've seen the funny photos of Bernie Sanders in mittens.



Saudi Arabia/ Elephant Rock

I showed that to my wife and she asked me why they called it elephant rock.

NOTE: My wife never said any such thing. I make all that stuff up and she's a real good sport about it.


His first snow.


Not his first snow.

The Nenets people, also known as Samoyeds, are indigenous people in northern arctic Russia, and some live at the Taymyr Peninsula where the winters are harsh, with frequent blizzards and extremely low temperatures. 


Could that snake actually eat a bird that large?


Where do you park? I don't see a single car. Are there even holes in the hedges?


Better call the toe truck.


Speaking of feet...


"Can you hear me now?"


It's some kind of root.



Remember this?

Now there's this...



Remember the incoming asteroid thought exercise? Would you even think of helping out the homeless to make their last few days of life a little better? If so, why not do it now?



May need to be enlarged.



Get it?








Burgervan said...

Jesus sacrificed himself for our sins so there was one less religious CUNT! Will they follow THAT example??? I hope so!!!

Burgervan said...

A2: Walking away from explosions is EXTREMELY suspicious!
B2: If you erase history then nobody can learn of it's folly!
B7: Can you imagine the chaos that would ensue after an asteroid strike warning? Extreme looting, robbery, people stealing bigger TVs and everyone's house being the target for thieves and everything you've got. I've got my eye on a 68 inch telly. hahahahaa
C2: I think that instils a nasty level of fear into the dogs who deserve much more from us.
D1: Your wife is the brains of the operation. And you KNOW IT! :)

Anonymous said...

puzzle time...


Borys said...

On D3. You probably noticed the holes left by previous door handles. With such a wind it is no wonder that he has to install new door handlers often.

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